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Richard: Ok, next song, Stay Alive.

Eliza: Ok, something Alex could not do.

Richard: This starts the beginning of the end of the war,

Lafayette: What?

Mulligan: I can't understand you.

Richard: Most people can't, anyway, let's go!

Eliza: Stay alive.

Angelica: Stay alive. 

Richard: Like Eliza said, you couldn't do this Alex.

Hamilton: I had to do something to secure my legacy.

Philip Jr: The definition of your legacy is "I kissed a girl and I liked it!"

Richard: The taste of her cherry chapstick...

Philip: What?

Richard: Nothing.

Hamilton: I have never seen the general so despondent, I have taken over writing all his correspondence.

Washington: Because SOMEONE made it hard for us!

Hamilsquad: LEE!

Lee: I did nothing, what are you talking about?

Washington: I was talking about KGIII, but you too, I guess.


Hamilton: Congress says, "George attack the British forces!" I shoot back, "We have resorted to eating our horses.

Hamilkids: EWWWWW!

Philip Jr: That is so unsanitary, are you insane! You spontaneously use your only transit for food? That's not machiavellian just gross!

Hamilton: Those are big boy words.

Philip Jr: Huh, and you went to King's College.

Hamilton: Local merchants deny us equipment, assistance, they only take British money, so sing a song of sixpence!

Washington: The calvary's not coming.

Hamilton: But sir!

Washington: Alex, listen, there's only one way for us to win this. Provoke outrage, outright.

Hamilton: That's right.

Washington: Don't engage, strike by night.

Philip Jr: Now, that's machiavellian.

Philip: What does that mean?

Philip Jr: You went to boarding school, you should know.

Washington: Remain relentless 'til their troops take flight.

Hamilton: Make it impossible to justify the cost of the fight.

Washington: Uh huh, Outrun.

Hamilton: Outrun.

Washington: Outlast.

Hamilton: Outlast.

Jefferson: Why are you copying everything he says?

Hamilton: Because, I'm trying to understand what he's saying.

Washington: Hit 'em quick, get out fast.

Hamilton: Chick-a-plao!

Everybody: Hahahahaha!

Philip Jr: Only Lin-Manuel Miranda can make dad say these sounds!

Hamilton: It's not funny!

Washington: Stay alive until this horror show has passed. We're gonna fly a lot of flags half mast.

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