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TW: Mentions of miscarriage 

Hamilton: I may not live to see our glory.

Frankie: Oh, we're already starting! This song is called, "The Story Of Tonight".

Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan: I may not live to see our glory.

Laurens: Isn't that what I said when I...

Hamilton: Oh, Laurens!

Hamilton: But I will gladly join the fight!

Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan: But I will gladly join the fight!

Hamilton: And when our children tell our story!


Philip Jr: Me more than any other of them, because I know all the juicy gossip.

Philip: I've know dad for 19 years! I'm sure I know more than you.

Philip Jr: He told me about the duel and said it was where you had yours.


Hamilton: Uh...

Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan: And when our children tell our stories.

Lafayette: My daughter died..

Philip Jr: Oof, that's rough, buddy.

Hamilton: Philip!

Hamilton: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Mulligan: Let's have another round tonight.

Lafayette: Let's have another round tonight.

Hamilton: Let's have another round tonight.

Eliza: We don't need you boys getting more drunk.

Burr: This is why I wait on the sidelines. I knew the revolution was coming. I waited for it. I knew Hamilton's downfall was coming. I waited for it. I knew Hamilton would die. I waited for it.

Eliza: Completely unrelated to what I said, but sure.

Laurens: Raise a glass to freedom. Something they will never take away.

Frankie: Just come to the USA now. Freedom has been stripped by many different laws.

Laurens: No matter what they tell you. Raise a glass to the four of us. Tomorrow they'll be more of us. Telling the story of tonight.

Hamilton: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Philip Jr: This is like they are planning their legacies for the future.

Hamilsquad: Raise a glass to freedom. Something they will never take away.

Laurens: No matter what they tell you.

Hamilton: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Eliza: It's nice how they are sharing the harmonies.

Laurens: Raise a glass to the four of us.

Hamilsquad: Tomorrow they'll be more of us. Telling the story of tonight!

Men: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Hamilsquad: They'll tell the story of tonight!

Women: Raise a glass to freedom.

                                                                            Men: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Women: Raise a glass to freedom.    

                                                                             Men: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Company: They'll tell the story of tonight.

Frankie: Alright, that's the end of the story.

Philip: Already? That was short!

Frankie: Well you guys did a good job of being quiet. Alright, next song, "The Schuyler Sisters".

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