Chapter 3 The Hospital is The Safest Place For Me

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Crockett stepped outside into the hallway to talk with Ms

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Crockett stepped outside into the hallway to talk with Ms. Goodwin, and Detective Jay Halstead, but making sure he was facing Ronnies room, so if she woke up and needed him, he was right there.
"So how did you determine that I was the intended target?" Crockett asked. Jay handed him a picture.
"This was taken by the camera right outside Mollys." Jay said. Crockett looked at the picture of a man, in a silver SUV with the gun out the window. He sighed heavily.
"Dammit. That's Eric Sullivan. Last night I performed a surgery on his son with 2.0. Tragically the system malfunctioned, and it led to his son Jason, dying on the table. His parents didn't want to go the surgical route, but I was overconfident in 2.0's abilities and I pushed for the surgery." Crockett said.

"Well, as of right now, we are still trying to find him. We need to treat this as if you are still a target, because we don't know if hes going to make another attempt on your life. So we will have police outside of your home until we do find him." Jay said.
"That isn't really necessary." Crockett said.
"It absolutely is!" Ms. Goodwin said.
"As long as Ronnie is here, I'll be here, and He would be kind of crazy to show up here when he knows people are looking for him." Crockett said. "Ronnie will be here for a few more days at least, I'm sure he will be found by then."

"Speaking of, do you think she is available for a statement?" Jay asked.
"I'm sure she will be when she wakes up." Crockett said. "Shouldn't be too long."
"Okay, I can wait." Jay nodded. "Just let me know when she wakes up."
"We will. Thank you, Detective." Ms. Goodwin smiled. Jay turned and walked away and Ms. Goodwin turned to Crockett who looked completely defeated.
"What happened to Jason was not your fault. You know that right?" Ms. Goodwin asked.
"I just don't see how that can be, his parents were so against the surgery, but I pushed for it. Jack Dayton waved his shiny new toy in my face, and I should have waited to make sure the flaws were worked out before I ever attempted that surgery." Crockett said. "And now, Ronnie is hurt, hell she almost died, and that would have been just as much my fault." Crockett said and ran his hands over his face.
"I know you are trying to help me by taking the blame off, but I just can't shake it." Crockett sighed.

A sudden scream stole Crockett's attention away from Ms. Goodwin. He looked towards Ronnie's room and noticed she was sitting straight up, looking around the room like she was confused, and terrified. Crockett hurried into the room followed by Ms. Goodwin. At this point Ronnie had ripped the IV out of her arm and was trying to get out of bed.
"Whoa! Ronnie calm down." Crockett said and held her shoulders trying to stop her from getting out of bed.
Ronnie looked up at Crockett, with tears streaming down her face.
"Crockett?" She asked.
"I'm right here darlin, you are safe. Do you know where you are?"
"The hospital.." Ronnie mumbled and then looked at her arm where the IV was The blood was running down her arm from where she ripped it out.
"Oh Shit!" She panicked. Ronnie was never one to be squeamish, She could watch slashers, with blood and guts galore, but when it came to her own blood being anywhere but inside her body where it was supposed to be she was definitely not a fan.
"Hey, eyes on me." Crockett said. Ronnie looked back up at him.
"I don't know what happened." Ronnie said.
"I think you had another bad dream and when you woke up, you were confused and scared. But it's okay, nothing we can't fix." Crockett said and smiled.

Ronnie felt someone touch her arm and she jerked her arm away and looked at the woman who had touched her arm.
"I apologize Miss Boudreaux, my name is Sharon Goodwin I was just putting some gauze on your arm to stop the bleeding."
Ronnie sighed. "I should be the one to apologize. I'm not usually this jumpy."
"Given the circumstances of why you are here, anyone would understand why you might be jumpy." Ms. Goodwin smiled. "I'd like to place a new IV if that is okay with you?"
Ronnie turned her head back to Crockett.
"It's okay. Ms. Goodwin here runs the place, but before that she was a nurse and I don't think you'll find anyone else in here more qualified to place a simple IV." Crockett smiled.
Ronnie nodded. "Okay." She said.
"Now I know you don't like needles, so just keep your eyes on me." Crockett said.
"Don't like is putting it very lightly." Ronnie chuckled a bit but she kept her eyes locked onto Crockett's while Ms. Goodwin placed the new IV.

"All done." Ms. Goodwin said as she took her gloves off and disposed of them in the trash.
Ronnie looked at her arm where the new IV was placed.
"I didn't feel a thing. How did you do that so fast?" Ronnie asked.
"Years of experience working with people who don't like needles." Ms. Goodwin smiled.
"Alright, lets get you back into bed. I need to check your stitches to make sure you didn't tear any while trying to get out of bed." Crockett said.
"Sure thing Dr. Marcel." Ronnie winked
"Miss Boudreaux, we have a detective here, that would like to speak with you If you are up for it, I can send him in."
"Please, just call me Ronnie, and yeah that is fine." Ronnie nodded.
"I will send him in. You just try to relax. I know its hard to do when you are in a hospital but you are safe here." Ms. Goodwin smiled.
"Thank you." Ronnie said and smiled and laid back in bed. Ms. Goodwin walked out, and Dr. Rhodes walked in.

"Good afternoon." Dr. Rhodes smiled.
"You best be careful with a smile like that, Any girl would throw herself down a flight of stairs on the daily just to see that smile Dr. Rhodes." Ronnie smirked.
Dr. Rhodes chuckled.
"Its good to see you in good spirits. Good news, A room opened up downstairs so we will be moving you out of the ICU by this evening."
"That is great news. Any idea on how long my stay will be?" Ronnie asked as Crockett laid the blanket over her waist and moved her gown up to look at her stitches.
Ronnie looked down for the first time seeing the scars on her abdomen.
"Are you having any pain?" Dr. Rhodes asked and frowned.
"Oh, no. I woke up confused earlier and ripped my IV out and tried to get out of bed. Crock is just checking to make sure I didn't rip my stitches. Good news is, I finally have a cool scar story that beats Davey's rattlesnake bite."

Dr. Rhodes stepped in, helping Crockett examine the stitches.
"All looks good, What do you think, Crock?" Dr. Rhodes smirked.
"I don't see any reason for concern." Crockett said and smiled to himself.
"Great." Dr. Rhodes said. "Well, I am optimistic, you've done very well so far. We are going to give you about a week to really heal up, and then we will start Physical therapy making sure you are good to go. Id say you'll be out of here and back on your tour within two to three weeks if not sooner." Dr. Rhodes said.
"Excellent." Ronnie smiled. "Thank you, for everything."
"Of course." Dr. Rhodes said. "I will be back to check in with you soon."
"Looking forward to it." Ronnie smirked as Dr. Rhodes left.

"Easy with that southern belle charm. He's engaged." Crockett chuckled.
"Well whoever that dreamboat got engaged to is a very lucky lady." Ronnie said and turned back to Crockett. "Not to worry, He's got nothing on you Cowboy." Ronnie said with a little grin.

Ms. Goodwin returned with Detective Jay Halstead, and as if he knew that his sister was going to be questioned by police without him, Remy showed up right as they were walking into the room.
"Whats going on?" Remy asked.
"Mr. Boudreaux, this is Detective Jay Halstead, he is working on your sisters case." Ms. Goodwin said.
Remy extended his hand. "Remington Boudreaux." He said as Jay shook his hand. "I'm Veronica's lawyer, and manager. I'm hoping you have news on who did this to my sister."
"I do, I just need to ask her a couple of questions before I get to that." Jay said.
"Sure." Remy nodded and sat down in the chair next to Ronnie's bed
"I will leave you to it." Ms. Goodwin smiled and left the room. .

"So if you know who did it, why do you need to ask me questions?" Ronnie asked.
"Its just a formality really, I just need to get a statement from you as a the victim and a possible witness to the crime." Jay said.
"Okay." Ronnie nodded.
"Alright, so just walk me through what you remember about last night." Jay said.
"Its honestly kind of foggy." Ronnie said.
"Which is completely normal, given that Miss Boudreaux had lost consciousness several times between the scene, and the hospital, also with the anesthesia from the surgery and the amount of pain medication she is currently on a spotty memory is common." Crockett said.
"I understand, just do your best." Jay said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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