Chapter 2 A Whisper Away From Changing Everything.

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A/N: So if you are familiar with Chicago Med, and you know the characters, I've decided to pretend what happened at the end of season 4 didn't happen. Because Connor deserved so much better so He's in the story. Don't come at me, its fanfiction people. I do what I want xD This Chapter is like 5000 words more than the first chapter. I got carried away lol. 
ALSO Trigger Warning! There is a scene in this chapter where a male OC gets a little racist.


"Ambulances will be here as soon as possible

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"Ambulances will be here as soon as possible." Hannah said as she put her phone back into her pocket. "What can I do to help?" She asked.
"I think there are some people that got knocked down in all the chaos, can you check on them?" Crockett asked. "I need Will to stay here and keep pressure on the second wound."
"Sure." Hannah nodded and left them. Ronnie who had been slipping in and out of consciousness came too again.
"How are you holding up Veronica?" Will asked.
"Please, you've got your finger in my bullet hole, you can just call me Ronnie." Ronnie mumbled
Will chuckled. "Good to see you are in good spirits. Help is on the way, just stay with us okay?"
"My insides feel like they are on fire." Ronnie said.
"I assure you, they aren't. What you are feeling is the heat from the bullets." Crockett said.
"Remy is probably losing his mind." Ronnie said coughed a little. "Oh God." She groaned in pain.

"Hey..hey. Don't worry about Remy right now." Crockett said. Ronnie coughed again and splattered blood on Crockett's face.
"Shit...I'm sorry Crock." Ronnie.
"It's okay Ronnie." Crockett said.
"This is bad..isn't it?" Ronnie asked with a wheeze.
"Nah, I've seen worse." Crockett said with a smirk. He had in fact seen much worse, but given what Ronnie meant to him he was terrified and he knew she could see it.
"You're full of shit." Ronnie said with a wheezy chuckle. She lifted her hand and put it on Crockett's and squeezed a little. "If I don't make it out of this...please tell my Dad it was instantaneous. I don't want him to know about the pain."
Crockett shook his head.
"You listen to me Veronica Annette Boudreaux, You are going to make it out of this. You are too strong, and too much of a fighter not to. So don't go pulling the sheet over yourself just yet."
"I'm cold.." Ronnie mumbled and then lolled her head to the side.
"Ronnie?" Crockett asked. "Ronnie!"
Will put his free hand up to her neck to check her pulse.
"Pulse is thready but there." He said.
"Where the hell is that ambulance?!" Crockett demanded.


"Whoa! Crockett what happened??" Maggie asked as Crockett helped wheel Ronnie in the ED through the ambulance bay. His hands were covered in her blood and his cool, collective demeanor was gone.
"Drive by shooting at Molly's, We have a few others coming that were injured by running over each other trying to get away from the gunfire, but only one critical injury.Will and Hannah are with the others." Crockett said.
"What do we got?" Maggie asked.
"Veronica Boudreaux, 33 two GSWs to the abdomen, hypotensive and thready pulse she's been in and out of consciousness " Crockett said.
"Let's get her into Baghdad." Maggie said.
"Already heading that way, do me a favor and page Dr. Rhodes?" Crockett asked.
"He's left for the night, But Kai is still here. I can page him." Maggie offered.
"I'm going to need you to call Connor." Crockett said.
"Why Connor? If she needs surgery you are more than-"
"Maggie! Please!" Crockett snapped.
"Okay, I will call him." Maggie nodded. "Trini can you assist Dr. Marcel?" She asked.
"Of course." Trini said as they got Ronnie rolled into Baghdad.

"Okay, transfer on my count." Crockett said. "1...2...3"
They moved Ronnie from the stretcher onto the exam table. Ronnie groaned in pain.
"Ronnie, can you hear me?" Crockett asked. "Do you know where you are?"
"Crockett?" Ronnie mumbled.
"I'm right here darlin." Crockett said and held her hand and squeezed. "You've been shot and you are in the hospital."
"Mmhm." Ronnie said and closed her eyes again.
"Stay with us Ronnie." Crockett said.
"Dr. Marcel, her pressure is dropping." Trini said.
"Alright guys we need to roll her, I suspect that at least one of the bullets is still in her abdomen." Crockett said. "Easy." He said as they rolled Ronnie onto her side.
"Only one exit wound. Damnit.." He sighed. "Lets get an Xray to see what we are looking at."

Connor rushed into the room as the Xray tech was getting the Xray.
"I was just getting into my car when Maggie called. Whats going on?" Connor asked as he looked at the image as it popped up onto the screen Crockett ran his hands over his face.
"I'm not seeing the bullet..Let's get one of the chest." He said and waited for the image.
"There." Connor said and pointed to the picture on the screen. "It went into the left lung. We need to move her to surgery now."

"Crockett.." Ronnie mumbled again. The monitors began beeping erratically.
"She's crashing!" Trini shouted.
"Ronnie??" Crockett asked.
"Dr. Marcel, she's not protecting her airway." Trini said.

"No, come on Ronnie." Crockett said, not fully registering what Trini had just said.
"Crockett!" Connor said. "We need to intubate." Connor added and moved Crockett out of the way so he could get to Ronnie to intubate.
Crockett couldn't focus on being a doctor at the moment, he was too busy focusing on Ronnie. He couldn't believe what was happening. He had literally just gotten her back and now she was on a table bleeding out with a bullet in her lung and he couldn't help her, he should have been able to help her but he was so worried about making the situation worse with his panicking.

"She's in Vfib!" Connor shouted. "Trini push an amp of epi. Crockett start compressions." Crockett couldn't move; he felt paralyzed by his fear. He told her she was going to be okay and she was dying right in front of him.
"Come on Crockett where the hell is your head man? We are losing her!" Connor snapped and once again moved him out of the way to start chest compressions.

Will hurried into the room.
"I've got this Crockett if you need to step out."
"Dr. Halstead charge the paddles to 200." Connor said.
"On it." Will said and grabbed the paddles.
"Paddles charged. Hold Compressions!" Will said. "Clear!"
Everyone backed up as Will placed the paddles on her chest and shocked her.
"Alright guys We've got sinus rhythm, She's back but we need to move now Trini page OR and tell them we are coming." Connor said.

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