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As Steve walked further through the second story, he shined his flashlight over the vent in the floor, something inside of the vent reflecting the light

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As Steve walked further through the second story, he shined his flashlight over the vent in the floor, something inside of the vent reflecting the light. Curiosity got the best of him, and he kneeled down next to it, pulling the cover off and reaching his hand down to grab one of the many jars at the bottom of it.

Steve didn't know what to think of the jar he'd picked up: leaves filled the bottom of it, and a spider lay dead on some of the branches from those leaves, cobwebs dusting the limbs. He started to set it back down when he felt something crawling on him, turning to find a spider on his shoulder.

He jumped back up quickly and dropped the jar on the tile floor, gasping as he tried brushing it off of him frantically. He ran backward into the hallway, walking through the bathroom doorway and getting even more cobwebs all over him as he tried to brush the spider off.

"Woah, woah," Nancy breathed, jumping as Steve manically tried to brush himself off in front of her—he'd almost collided with her in the hallway. "What's wrong?"

"There was a spider," he said softly, still rubbing his hand against his arm to make sure it was gone. He almost sounded out of breath as he spoke. "It was a black widow." Whenever he turned around, shining his flashlight in front of him, he quickly closed the door to the bathroom he'd just come out of. "Don't go in there."

"Okay?" Nancy responded, finally seeing the mess of cobwebs that he'd gotten into his hair. She tried pulling some of it out, but Steve ran his fingers through it, starting to move forward as if he were trying to walk away from her. "Wait, just..."

"What?" Steve said, walking in front of a dusty mirror with his voice still panicked. "Something? Shit. Okay."

"If there's a spider nesting in there, you're never gonna find it til it lays eggs and all the babies spill out," Judy said evasively, trying to freak Steve out even more, taunting him as he let Nancy touch all over his head.

"Why would you say that, Judy?" Steve asked as Nancy pressed her lips together, stuck between the troubled couple.

Judy only scoffed in response. "Oh, big deal."

"She's just a little on edge, she is not herself," Nancy said as she finished brushing off the remaining cobwebs from Steve's back.

"Tell me about it," Steve shook his head and scoffed, almost running his hands through his hair, but he stopped himself. "Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, we could hang out. You know? Me, you, Judy, Jonathan, when he comes back, of course." Steve turned to the side, almost as if he were trying to see her better. Steve hesitated to go on, almost as if he were waiting for her response.

"Maybe." Nancy pursed her lips again. "Okay. All better."

Steve fluffed his hair out a bit before making eye contact with Nancy again, taking a deep breath and smiling. "Great, thanks." He chuckled, taking a step closer to her. "Well... Great. Um..." He stared at her awkwardly, almost not knowing what to say. What was he supposed to say after that? "Guess we should, uh... get back to the investigation."

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