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"Eddie!" Judy yelped, looking in the dark orbs he had for eyes

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"Eddie!" Judy yelped, looking in the dark orbs he had for eyes. "Didn't expect to see you here."

Judy cleared her throat, trying to get her heart rate back down to a healthy pace. He always crept up behind her without a sound and every single time, it scared her like the first.

"Trust me, it's not because I wanted to," he looked around the library like he was scared of being caught. "But desperate times call for desperate measures."

"What's going on?" Judy asked, concerned. Eddie often went to Judy for help on things like schoolwork. They'd been working hard together to get him up to a D in one of his classes. He was so close, but the scared look on Eddie's face was telling her something different.

"We need a stand in for Hellfire tonight. Lucas has gone to the dark side to play a little basketball," Eddie said, sounding displeased. "I sent my little minions to find a replacement, but I wanted to get to you first."


"So can you do it? Can you come tonight?"

"No," Judy said plainly. "I'm going to the game tonight. You should go too, you know? Support the person you call a friend," Judy looked at him swayingly, hoping he'd come and see Lucas play - well bench-warm. "You can sit with me and Steve."

Eddie only rolled his eyes and fell back into the bookshelf frantically. "You and Steve," he whined. "It's almost admirable how much you bring him up. It's like you actually like him or something."

Eddie followed closely behind Judy as she walked around another bookshelf, looking through them closely. "I do actually like him. He's my boyfriend."

"So you've said."

"I don't know why you don't like him. He's not the asshole he used to be."

"It's not that I don't like him, it's just that I personally think," he put his hand on his chest and leaned into Judy, "you're too good for him."

"So you've said," Judy turned Eddie's words back on him. "I'm going to the game tonight, you'll have to find someone else."

Eddie huffed and stomped his foot like a little kid. "Fine, but don't think I'll forget this."

"Bye, Eddie," Judy sang as she walked back to her backpack and study materials.

She smirked as she watched Eddie duck dramatically behind shelves and tables and other students to get out of the library, blowing his cover more than if he'd just walked straight through.

Her little interaction with Eddie, lifted Judy's spirits for the rest of the day, even as she waited for Steve in the school parking lot.

"You're late," she said, looking at her watch as he made his way closer to her.

"By two minutes," Steve countered, taking the last step between him and Judy. "Does it really matter?"

"No," she said, pulling him closer to her and pressing her lips to his.

Hey Jude | A STRANGER THINGS StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang