No one knows.

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  About six months after I moved into his house, Alhaitham and I had become friends. It's been almost a year now, and I don't know, something seems to have changed. Alhaitham and I aren't the same as we were five months ago. Not for the worse, of course, it just seems as though my view of him has changed. 
  Yes, while Alhaitham is blunt, he really isn't as selfish as you'd think. Although he puts his own needs ahead of those of the collective, he doesn't disregard them entirely. In the past, I would tell you that there was nobody in Teyvat more provoking than he is. Now, I really don't think that's true. He doesn't mince his words and he surely doesn't say things just to spare another's feelings, sure, but he does know what he's saying. And, he gives good advice. He's not the kind to tell you that you did well on an exam even though you scored a fifty percent, but he is the kind who would tell you how to do better next time, which would prove useful. 

  Sometimes, I feel as though I like him as more than a friend. 'Sometimes' being when he puts a blanket over me when I fall asleep on my desk, when he reminds me how strong of a person I am, when we organize the study together and talk about old times, and when he takes care of me when I get sick. At those times, I used to always push those feelings aside, and put them off, saying they were just me being appreciative of him. Recently, I've come to terms with them. Now I know, those aren't things you feel when you think of someone as 'just a friend'. 


  Kaveh's been in his room for quite some time now. A while ago, I peeked though the opening and saw him writing some things in a notebook. A journal, maybe. He didn't see me when I looked at him, didn't even notice anything. It seemed like he'd been out of the world, thinking of random things and scribbling them down. Kaveh has been acting different around me these days. Getting flustered, leaving in a hurry and  muttering things to himself. 
  Part of me wishes that he feels the same way about me that I do him, but I can't really count on it. I'm not a psychologist, and I don't know how to read emotions very well. What I do know, however, is that I've developed feelings for him. Not like me thinking he's a nice friend, but romantic feelings. I realized it when I started having dreams about us doing things that, let's just say, you don't do with your friends. I started thinking about him whilst at work, or while talking to other people. I'm not a psychopath, I just, think I might be a little in love, which, I've only ever experienced once in my life. A while, I'll say half a year after Kaveh moved in, we became friends again. Our communication improved, and we figured that, maybe there hadn't been a problem with our personalities back when we argued in the library. 
  Now, I've just became very fond of him. Not like wanting to go over to your friend's house to play games and such, but like wanting to go out with him. Like a date. Thinking back on my thoughts, I realized how much of a fool I'd become. For ages I've thought of nothing but him while at work, about to sleep, about to eat, or literally anything. I mean, it goes against my demeanor. But, not for anyone but him.

I'm back!! haven't uploaded in a month or so...
have a great day/night!!

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