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"Haitham, remember that time when we were young?"
"Kaveh, a lot of things happened when we were young. What time are we talking about here?"
"That time where I got asked out by some girl and you got super upset. What other time would I be talking about?"
"Kaveh, you could've easily been talking about something else. Besides, I have no recollection of such an event."
"Fine. I'll remind you. Thought you had a retentive memory, but I guess I was wrong. Hm love?" 
"Can you just tell me the story?"
"Right, right. Okay, here we go."

Past Kaveh's POV

As we walked down the halls of the school, Haitham and I began to talk. He told me about a book he really enjoyed reading, and that he could lend it to me if I'd be interested. "Haitham, it sounds like a great book, it really does, but how do you focus on something like reading for so long?" I looked ahead of me, seeing a girl walk our direction. At first, I'd figured that she was walking to her locker or something of that sort, but she was smiling at me, walking as if she planned for us to talk. Her name was Sasha. She was in one of my classes and was always looking at me. Of course, given this fact, I had a weird feeling about her. Seeing her walk up to us like that made me think she had something to tell me, or Alhaitham. "Hey Kaveh," She said as our paths intersected. "I just wanted to ask you something," she continued. "Actually, Kaveh and I were just on our wa-" 
"I wasn't talking to you. Know when to be quiet. Back to us, Kaveh," I shook my head. "Do you really think that you can come up to US and think you're entitled to yell at him? Did he do anything to you? Didn't think so. You can tell me what you want to, but you can also apologize to him after," I stated, feeling proud of myself right after. "Ooh, feisty. I like it." I shot the girl a confused look. "So Kaveh, this was meant to be just the two of us, but your little friend can watch, I guess." I nodded. "Good. Now can we please just cut to the chase?" She looked around then she leaned in closer to me, pushing some of my hair back. "I think I'm in love with you," she whispered. I slowly pushed her away, before I responded. "You're what?" I asked as she put her arm on my shoulder, rubbing it in circular motions. "I'm in love with you babe," she responded, looking at Alhaitham with disgust. "What are you looking at?" With that, I pushed her hand off my shoulder. "He's just as confused as I am. And who gave you the permission to call me 'babe?" I blurted. Who in the hell does she think she is? "Well, we're dating now, no?" I shook my head aggressively. "When did we establish that? I didn't even tell you if I liked you or not!" She then began to speak once more. "Well, do you?" I shook my head once more. "And even if i did, I'd stop after this. Not a good look you know," I told her. With that, her jaw dropped to the floor. "Kaveh!" 
"What is it? You can't just assume you're dating someone even if the feelings aren't known to be mutual," Alhaitham interrupted. "And if he doesn't share them, don't you think you should leave him alone?" I looked at him, watching him continue to talk to Sasha about how she lost all her chances and should leave me alone. 

About five minutes later, Sasha had been stunned, as she thought Haitham was shy and never spoke up, also that he was afraid of her for some reason. "Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself," I said with a sigh of relief, putting my hand on his shoulder. "And with that," I began, "my answer is no." Then she walked away. 

Present Kaveh's POV

"And then you continued telling me all about your book. You basically pretended it never happened. No wonder you forgot."
"Oh. Maybe I was already smitten and just jealous. But were you going to say yes?"
"No! I always had a bad feeling about her."
"Good," Alhaitham responded, looking into my eyes. "Aww, Haitham. I love you a lot, you know?"
"I love you too Kaveh," and I kissed him. 

guys I have not updated in ages and I deeply apologize but like the ideas are not there 
its funny bc when i started these i thought id be able to update twice a week... Anyways good byeee

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