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Y/N'S POV ::

I somehow got used to seeing my face on magazines or news articles but the cause of them used to be Taehyung. Every time I make a public presence with him,we will be appearing on the news later on. This time, it was different. I was alone on the news article.


I felt the sparkles erupting within me at the news article. The launch was a huge success and I couldn't be more happy. Honestly, it was the first time I felt happy and the reason was not only Taehyung because every time my reason for happiness is only him. He actually kept the cut out of all the news articles that mentioned me and even got our picture from the event printed.

It's hanging on one of the walls in our bedroom.

It's been three months since that.

Three months since the launch, three months since half of my struggle ended and the other half started and three months since Taehyung and I became even stronger. When I think back to the time then I realize just how far we have come. I never thought I'd be falling for him one day but I did and it feels ecstatic. Every day I wake up feeling doubtful of myself but then he holds me, kisses me and assures me and then I'm fine.

Jungkook's appearance at the launch helped me get a lot of audience and henceforth we even got free celebrities signing with us. It was somehow hectic but it's fine. Currently, we were at Taehyung's parent's place for dinner. After the launch, I felt guilty for not being involved in the family much and it's the first time. Taehyung's uncle and his wife, Lia stayed back here after grandpa's death while their kids were in Australia.

As I was standing in the kitchen with Hye-young, preparing the dining table, my breath hitched the moment the smell of fried fish hit my nostrils. I grimaced, feeling something churning in my stomach but shrugged it off like usual. "Y/n!" I flinch at the sudden voice. Blinking my eyes, I stared at Aunt Lia who was staring at me with confusion. "I've been calling you for a few minutes. Where are you lost at?"

"Uh..nothing. Do you need something?" I question, offering her a small smile so she would stop giving me looks of concern. "Salad. I've been asking you to pass me the salad." I quickly took the bowl of salad and handed it to her. When she left, I couldn't help feeling the sweat on the palm of my hands. It was not the season of summer so me feeling hot made no sense but something was wrong with me.

I inhaled a sharp breath and rubbed my plans against my thigh covered in jeans. I stood there near the kitchen counter, still feeling somewhat nauseous but I am prone to ignoring these kinds of things so I exhaled, inhaled and went back to my usual stuff. A moment later, all of us were seated at the dining table with a variety of food. "Mom,isn't it a bit unfair that all the things here are of y/n's liking?" Taehyung pointed out and only then did I notice the dishes.

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