Chapter 9 Bloopers

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Sam is seen sitting on a chair quickly typing the words 'Camerawoman r34' into a search bar.

"Sam? Sam! We need you on set!" A voice calls. Sam doesn't hear or acknowledge that they said that and continued browsing.

The door to his room was busted open and revealed a grey cat wearing a tuxedo.

"Sam, we need you on set no-"

Sam quickly changes to a bok titled 'Camera man 2016 x Drill woman'. "Uhhhhhhh... Yeah..?"

"Oh, you know what- forget it we can film that scene later." Said the cat man, shielding his eyes.


Brown and his doppleganger are seen fighting. Brown punches his double and the oil slides off, revealing a few cameraman stacked on each other trying to move his arms and legs.

"CUT!" Yells the white rabbit. "Maybe next time don't punch so hard, Brown?"

A groan is heard nearby. "Fiiiine."

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