Chapter 2- Captured

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"So a tri soldier is a heavily upgraded version of some of the larger agents, like I used to be a gender bent tv man before I volunteered to become a tri tv woman with the unknown technology we found" Says Tri Tv Woman

"Okay... can you show us... the beast?"

"Sure, I stole a keycard so we can see it..."

(Arriving at the labs)

"Alright, so here is our creation" Says Tri Tv Woman, unveiling it and... Wow... "Yeah, it's pretty big"

WHAT?? I thought How can it be so big??

"Is he that huge??" I wonder aloud

"They're going to be overpowered!" Adds Clockwoman

"Uhm, if you excuse me, I'm going to hang out with Cameraman #2016" Says Tri Tv Woman, leaving me speechless. Plunger cameraman walks up to us and announces a surprising message

"We're being invaded by toilets!" He says to us quickly. 

"How did they find the base??" Tri Tv Woman asks him

"I feel something on my back... I think they put a tracker on me..." Says Cameraman #2016 nervously. Tri Tv Woman grabs the tracker off his back

"Get ready!" She says

"Alrighty then" Says Clockwoman

(Outside the base)

"Hey #2016, how are you doing?" Says Tri Tv Woman while using her screen to burn the toilets. 

"Good" He says, flushing a toilet "I thought I would be a sniper"

Clockwoman uses her time-stop to kill a couple of toilets "Hey, do you hear that?" She asks.

I use my red death screen to kill another toilet "...Yes..?" I mutter, confused. 

A giant g-man toilet flies in front of us and shoots #2016 "Dop dop yes yes!" #2016 looks like he's unconscious.

"Did you just hurt my boyfriend!?" Tri Tv Woman says and starts attacking the g-man toilet.

There is a large crash as the Tri Titan appears and slams the toilet into a building. Tri Tv Woman teleports #2016 away, leaving us to fend for ourselves.

"Heh, quite nice of them to abandon us..." I mutter, pressing my back up to Clockwoman in hopes of surviving.

"I'm sure they'll come back..." Reassures Clockwoman.

"You're forgetting this is Tv Woman, she adandoned me when they disinfected Titan Speakerman, remember?"

"Well... This universe's one could be different..." 

The toilets surround us, and we keep beating them up, but they seem to be endless, and we're getting tired...

After an hour of fighting, Clockwoman faints and I am forced to fight all of them at once.

I stab toilets on my left, while shooting them on my right and using my red death screen at the front, pressed up against the wall. I'm starting to get dizzy, and I start taking hits from toilets.

Crik. One bites my left wrist. I turn around and shoot him. 

Rrrrip. One took my index finger off.

They swarm me until my legs finally give out, and my body comes crashing into the ground.


"Dop dop yes yes!"

I wake up in chain holding me to the ground. A tv hovers above me, displaying the words Good, you're awake now. 

"Yeah, so what?" I casually reply. The screen takes a while, but it finaly changes into another sentence

You're responsible for 3,000 casualties. When we tried to hurt you or infect you, your skin just healed, and the parasite just died. Who are you? It asks

"Me? Just your average cameraman!" I reply


We have to keep you here, to test and study you It says

I smirk "Fat chance" The chains holding me break, and they easily crumple under my strength "Study this, bitch!" I yell and shoot the tv with my acid blasters.

"Time to get out of here... Wait! Where's Clockwoman?" I wonder. I walk out of the room and find that there are multiple cells with multiple different agents in them. After some bloody killing, I make my way towards the switch labelled UNLOCK ALL CELLS and press it.

There is a grinding noise before it is drowned out by large cheers. I spot Clockwoman in the crowd and go down to meet her.

"Hey Clockwoman! Do you know how to get out of here?" I ask her

"I do." A cameraman says next to us "Come with me, I can teleport you guys out of here" We follow the cameraman to a room with a big tube in the middle. He tells us to stand inside it and wait for him to put in the coordinates.

"Ok, all set!" He says and pushes a green button. He jumps in the tube next to us, and we are both teleported back to the laboratory.

"Ah, good to be back!" I say to everyone


Word count- 740 (I tried to make it longer)

Sorry for the missed date guys I had to rewrite like 300 words because I forgot to save. Promise next time I'll be on schedule :D


See you next chapter!

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