Prolouge/Chapter 1

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"Is this book supposed to help us!?" I say and toss it to the bench next to us. The book sputters and suddenly, a portal opens and swallows me and Clockwoman whole! It spits us out in a relatively familiar location, and we both look around

"What is this place?" I ask Clockwoman

"My guess is that the book may have been conected to our universe and we accidentally opened a portal to another world, and got sucked in, but it's only a theory" She says

"Wow o-okay I guess that's what happened?" I say, bewildered

"Who are you two? You don't look like you're from around here" A female voice says

"U-uh yeah, what she said" Another voice says

"Grr! If you're here to fight, get it over with!" I say, flexing my claws.

"Psh, I could've easily killed you on the spot" The voice says

"Nah, I would've seen you from a mile away!" I quip

"You have no idea how much training I've done!" She says "And the things I've been through"

"Heh, join the club" I mutter and shoot one of my acid blasters to where I think they are

"Not bad..." A voice says behind me. Me and Clockwoman turn to see... Tv Woman... but not?

"Who are you?!?" Me and the other cameraman with the weird Tv Woman say at the same time. The other cameraman she was with is wearing a yellow coat. What is the fashion sense in this war?

"I'm ameraman 2016" They say.

"I'm Brown Cameraman!" I say "You're just the walmart version of me!" 

"Calm down guys! These people are probably the Tv Woman and Brown Cameraman of this universe!" She explains to me "Although the Tv Woman does look a bit weird..."

"I'm a Tri soldier" She says

"A what!??" I exclaim. She uses the ÖwÖ face on her screen

"Ths is going to take some explaining..." She mutters


This was the prolouge, so its gonna be short. Aiming for around 700-1000 words per chapter

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