Chapter 3- Discoveries

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"Wait, so Tri Tv Woman and #2016 went to look for us?" I ask the scientist cameraman.

"Yeah... I think they went into the city to find you guys" He replies

Huh, so they do care about us after all... I thought to myself Although I couldn't blame them if they didn't, after all we just met

"I guess we'll follow where they went I guess" I say and fly out the window

"Hold on, I want to get some upgrades, you go ahead" Says Clockwoman while I hokver in the air.

"Okay, sure" I say "I can cover more ground that way" I fly away, and immediately see what remains of the city.

"Skibidi dop dop!" I turn my head to the left to see some toilets gathering near an abandoned store.

Maybe they're in there? I think to myself and fly down to defeat all the enemies. I defeat them with little to no effort, making sure that none of them run away and alert whoever was controlling that screen before.

"Hey? Anyone in here?" I yell at the building 

"Yeah! Help me!!" A voice comes out

I run into the building, and see a Speakerman attatched to some chains. As I make my way closer to him, noticing that this room is big enough for a cage to fit in he whispers something to me quietly

"Run! It's a trap!" He whispers to me, just quiet enough so that people couldn't hear us, people looking from above

"Good!" I say and walk towards the center of the room "Hey guy up there? Is this good?" 

"Uhhhh... yeah, just stay right there..." A voice replies and the sound of a rope being released fills the room. I look up to see a piano falling down onto my head. It crashes, and I stand still as I make a camera-shaped hole in it.

"Nice trap bro! Some feedback though, try and conceal the rope being released next time, but sadly there won't be a next time, cus that didn't kill me sadly..." I comment, activating my jetpack and flying up to where the voice came from. A pair of eyes stare at me, terrorized

"...Wait a second, you're a human?" I exclaim "How are you... y'know, not a toilet?"

"I was just in the right place, in the right time and got extremely lucky" He says, showing me some teeth marks on his skin "Well, if you're gonna kill me, get it over with, I'm kinda bored"

I chuckle "Naw, I like you, I might keep you as a pet"

"A pet!?" He exclaims

"Yeah, like that Speakerman, all chained up" I say, pointing down "Speaking of which, I should free him..." I fly back down and unchain the Speakerman, setting him free.

"Thanks bro, my arms are so stiff now" He thanks me.

"Hey, I forgot to ask, what's your name?" I ask to the human as I fly up to him. No reply.

"Hey, are you there?" I reach the top "Dammit... He escaped!" I yell "I wonder if I'll see him again?"

"Hey! There's, um, some toilets down here!" The Speakerman yells to me from below

"Coming!" I say and fly back down to assist him. After the toilets are defeated, I tell him that I have to keep looking for Tri Tv Woman and Cameraman #2016.

"I think I saw them go past in that direction" He says

"Thanks" I mutter and activate my jetpack, blasting out of there. 

Suddenly, smoke forms and out comes a giant toilet with mechanical arms and legs, as well as speakers on the front. 

"Is that... scientist?" I wonder aloud "Damn, he looks massive" He starts walking over the city, clearly wanting to reach somewhere.

"Well, he's in my way, so let's do this!" I activate my jetpack and launch myself towards the scientist. I land on his large toilet, and start shooting his head with my acid blasters.

"DOP DOP?" He yells and reaches for the back of his bowl. However, I fly between his two hand and land right in front of his face.

"Hey! I'm over here!" I say and fly around. His eyes are traoned on me, and the old dudes reflexes must be faster than Joe Biden because he almost stabs me in half, with me barely dodging in time.

I narrow my eyes "Hmph!" I activate my jetpack and push it to full speed, zooming around him while shooting my acid cannons

"DOPPITY!" He yells and uses his speakers to blow me back. Also while I am blown back, he rips me in half with his hand and chucks me towards a building. My top half uses my jetpack to fly towards my bottom half and reattatch.

"You'll have to do better then that!" I yell and blitz towards him. I swing my claws in a blur across his face, and he uses his hands to defend himself, blocking most of the swipes. Most.

"DOP DOPPITY DOP!" He screams and a giant laser comes out his back, immediately firing at me. The laser hits me in the chest, pushing me back. As I am pushed back, he appears behind me and stabs me with his claws, and sends me flying through the city, with a gaping hole in my chest.

I crash into a random building and immediately notice two people sitting there.

"Oh, hi guys"


Yup thats how it ends lol

Sooo I made a schedule for a reason, but my mind does not seem to agree with it :/


See you next chapter!

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