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I turned around in the front of the vehicle to see Johnnie sleeping, he must've been pretty stressed out over that run huh? especially since I made him carry those bags. 

"Oh yeah, Jake? what was his name again? I kinda forgot." Tara said on her phone.

"His name is Johnnie," I responded,

"What's weird is that both of your names start with 'J'. " Sam said not looking up from his phone.

"Oh yeahh," Colby added. "That is weird." 

"Shut up Colby, no one asked." I rolled my eyes. 

Just then someone got a text,

"Zach and Carrington have been excited that you escaped this time," Tara said. "Like, way too excited.."

"Really! Tell them we'll be there in a few." I almost jumped out of the car happily. "Where are we now?" 

"We're... here actually! Let me just park‒" Corey put the car in park

"Nope actually‒ Can't wait, Gotta go right now!" I said practically jumping out of the car, "Make sure Johnnie sleeps in my room!" 

I burst the door open. "Surprise shawties!" I exclaimed

"Jake!" Zach practically carried me across the room. "How have you been buddy," he asked. 

I laughed. "I've been decent, how are you?" 

"Y'know, I've been in and out of the state, as soon as I heard the news that you finally escaped, it means we can finally settle in one place again!" 

"I know! where's Carrington?" I said, looking around.

"He went shopping but he should be back in a few." He stated. 

"God, how many times have I told you to stop drinking white claws all the time." I groaned, picking up the empty bottle and throwing it in the trash.

"Sorry Mom, don't blame me that im old.. Besides you take Zyn so its not any different." He grunted. 

 "It is!"

"It's really not, Jake." 

Just then Tara came into the room. "Colby just put Johnnie to sleep, I'm about to go to sleep too, im tired. And so is everyone else."

"Okay, good night Tara."

"Good night guys!"

Just as the others went to sleep I felt the mood change. I hope Zach wasn't going to confront me about that, again. It didn't end well last time. 

"So, how did you escape this time, sucked another person off again?" He said in a tone more off than I thought it would. 

"I didn't this time! listen I-" 

"No, im sick of the excuses, even Corey is catching on! what will you do if he says something to you in the morning?" 

"I'll shrug it off like I always do. Why are you making a big deal about everything? It's not fair," I felt the waterworks coming up again.  


my voice is shaking.,"I-Its not fair okay?! your acting like I wanted to do it, you don't know what happens to me there so stop acting like it's my fault." I sobbed.  

"You can't keep doing this to yourself! disable the tracker in your fucking arm and we will be over with it! You only know that they'll keep finding you every time, you can't keep protecting us as a sacrifice for yourself." He ranted. 

"Yes, I can. And I do this out of protection for everyone okay!? I do this all the fucking time." 

"Im going to remove that shit from your arms if it's the last thing I fucking do." He said as he left.

"Remember that." 

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