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I stayed up all night thinking about how I could've made this situation ten times better if I hadn't puked on myself. If I did embarrassing shit, that would've taken first place. I felt something touch me slightly, but not as much while sleeping. Jake maybe?

I turned around. Jake was sleeping but quite shivery and cold. I gave him the whole blanket. I took his phone and checked it. If I remember what the doctor said correctly, it was around 7:30 a.m. when everybody wakes up. 

He looked so peaceful while sleeping, and he looked pretty like that. He looked pretty doing anything. It's cute. I mean, it shouldn't be, but it is. I don't want to bother him, but at the same time, I have to wake him up. 

"Jake, it's 7:30; wake up," I muttered. 

Jake groaned softly and turned the other cheek. I lightly tapped him on his shoulders. 

"Jake, we're gonna be late if you keep sleeping like this," I said as I continued to tap him. 

 He rubbed his eyes and turned over again, only to fall on the floor. I guess he's not a morning person. I thought to myself. 

"Ow!" he said, rubbing the spot where he had fallen. "I don't want to wake up.." He whined. 

"Believe me, I don't either,"  I said, lying down on the bed. 

"How long have you been awake?" He asked, still on the floor. 

"The whole night."

Jake quickly shot up from the floor. "What! the whole night! you need to sleep." 

"Nah, I'm fine, honestly, Im used to sleeping for only a few hours at a time," I spoke. "No biggie." 

"Yes, biggie. Not sleeping can cause a lot of problems. I'll tell you what, I'll help you escape this place if you sleep for a few more hours." 

"How did you know I wanted to escape? I never-" 

"Doesn't everyone? Look, every time people want to escape, their story gets out to the guards and everybody in the hospital, and they get sedated. Im not trying to let that happen to either of us, so now people get on the DL." He explained. 

"So what does that mean?" 

"You want to go back to your family, right?" 

"I mean, not really; to be honest, I don't have much of a family." 

He dug through something and tossed me a pack of cigarettes. "You ain't gotta worry about nothing." He also tossed me a lighter. "Tonight, we're gonna burn this fucking place down to the floor. he grabbed gasoline from the bottom cabinet and slid it under the floor. 

"I've been waiting to do this for a while.." He exaggerated the while in his voice.

"You smoke? you are one crazy ass bitch.." I said, taking a cigarette and lighting it. 

"Not really. My friends do it, though. I figured you would; you look like the type." 

"And it looks like you're right," I said, putting the cigarette in my mouth and inhaling it. 

Cigarettes always get me to calm down. I haven't had one in a while because I tried sneaking a few in, and they immediately caught me, so it took me a few tries before I actually got used to it. Is he actually planning to burn this hospital down, though?

"And before you say anything, Fuck everybody in that fucking hospital, they treated me like shit. So, if they don't smell the smoke? It's their problem." 

"So we're committing arson, basically." I stared at him blank-eyed. 

"If the shoe fits, baby," he winked. "Now common, I want to do this during the night, so it has the vibe. Don't let anybody find out." 

"Aren't we gonna get caught?" I asked him, getting up and pointing at the camera. "Can't they hear us?" 

"Nah, I disabled them shits a long time ago." he waved it off while opening the door. 

"Oh, so you know your way around this stuff, right?" I asked while walking with him 

"Yeah, I've been looking for a way to escape, but I just found gasoline a few days ago, and that sparked something up if you get what I mean." He hit my elbows and laughed; It was so corny that it was funny. 

We split ways. Jake went back into his dorm, and I went to the cafeteria, and a short scream echoed. 

"FUCKING JANITORS!" Jake screamed. 

I rushed to Jake. "What!?" 

"They cleared all of my shit! they took my keys, my pocket knife, everything!"  He started kicking the doors and throwing shit around looking for everything. Soon, the bodyguards came in and took him away. 

So much for burning the place down, I guess. "Let go of me, Im trying to look for my stuff. Let go!" He tried to shake himself off, but they wouldn't let him free. They took him to another room, and they told me to leave the place.


Isn't his stuff right there? 

I opened the little wardrobe, and his keys, pocket knife, and pepper spray were right there. 

Fucking dumbass. 

(A/N) Im literally focusing on anything else but my infested story rn I'm so sorry lmfao 

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