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At around 4:32 pm, he tapped to wake me up. "Are you ready?"  

"Born ready." I smirked. 

He grabbed hand and lead me to the storage room where we put all of our stuff in. He already got our phones and other things that were placed in separate bins when we got here. It seems like he knows this place by heart, and he told me he has only been here for 3 weeks. I'm suspecting he's been here for longer but oh well, he'll tell me the truth when he's ready.

We put all of our stuff in our luggage and hurriedly snuck out of the room. 

"We are gonna light this place right here." he whispered to me, walking out close to the security detectors where visitors leave through.

 We weren't allowed to enter that way or else it would make a large alarm sound so I'm assuming he plans to run out there. Which sounds like stupid idea because there was two more guards waiting next to the door. 

"But take our luggage and hide near a corner okay?" He hushed, shooing me over.  

 I went over there and kneeled while watching. I've seen him walk to the guards and ask them something, but I couldn't hear much, and then saw the two police guards leave. I heard pouring sounds and a match check. I got out of my hiding place as I saw him pour gasoline all over the place. 

"Funny thing is, I poured this on all the exits and lit them on fire before I came here to get you already.." he chuckled to himself. 

"So that means-"

"Yeah, I think I heard screams, but so what right? the dumbass security guards left their keys here too." 

this guy, really is.. 

"Don't get scared, but on 3, 2, 1, we are gonna light this place up and leave."

"O-Okay, I'm ready." I said, still panicking anyways.  




He dropped the match on the floor, it felt like it was going in slow motion. the floor lit in flames and spreaded in seconds. I grabbed our bags as Jake quickly opened the door and escaped with the key. 

"Gogogo!" He yelled, I couldn't tell if it was at me or to someone else.

A car quickly turned on as I chucked all the bags in the back of the trunk and closed it; hopped in with a few other people on the side that I had no idea who they were, and Jake hopped into the front. 

"Hurry the fuck up Corey, your slow as shit!" He screamed. 

"Alright Jesus," A guy I didn't know muttered. 

We quickly drove off as I looked into the window, The whole hospital was set into flames. So quickly too, it looked straight out of the scene of a pennywise movie as the sun was rising. I checked my phone, 5:32.. 


This felt strangely amazing. Jake was right, even though people could be dying in there, this actually fit the vibe. We drove and drove far away from here, it felt like hours. I mean, it was hours, but I felt at ease.. 

I quickly fell asleep with the window open, breeze and the suns cool air on my face. 

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