Chapter 34 - Leaving Konoha 03!

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV


Naruto finally opened the door and walked into the house while his family was gathered in the living room. As the door opened, his family turned towards him, and his mother, Kushina, upon seeing him, lit up with a smile as she approached.

"Naruto, dear! Come, join us." She said, inviting him to sit by her side.

Minato, with a gentle smile, nodded at Naruto. "You went out today... How was your day?"

Naruto walked over, taking a seat next to his mother. "It was good, went for a walk." he replied, his voice a bit softer than usual as he smiled at his father and looked at each of the family members present, while Mizu looked at him with her usual gaze and Sora seemed to narrow her eyes.

Kushina leaned slightly towards him, noticing the subtle melancholy in his voice. "You seem a bit tired. Must have been a long day, hm?" She asked as she raised her hand and touched his hair, identical to his father's.

Mizu, who had been sitting on the floor looking at some scrolls, did not stop looking at Naruto curiously. Noticing the slight change in his mood, she tilted her head towards her brother, curious. "You're different today, Naruto. More... I don't know, happy?"

Naruto let out a soft sigh, allowing himself a genuine but also somewhat sad smile. "Just thought a lot about some things today. About how grateful I am to have all of you." His voice was calm, "Even though I'm not what everyone expected, feeling truly loved and happy to have it... hm?!" Naruto couldn't finish his statement.

His mother hugged him tightly. "You are exactly what we hoped for, son... Don't mind what people say about you, you will always be my Naruto and your father thinks the same, you are the Hokage's son!" She said while keeping him in her arms.

Naruto, though surprised, felt loved at that moment, and soon saw his father joining them. "You are my son, never forget that, Naruto." He spoke in his always calm tone, but Naruto could feel his sincerity.

"I love you too, brother!" Mizu also joined them.

"Naruto." Sora let a tear fall as her heart ached with that, feeling something strange as she hugged along with Mizu.

"Thank you." Naruto got a bit emotional at that moment and felt his heart nearly break with the thought that he might be spending his last moments with them, but he had his own path to follow at this moment, what he could do was enjoy these last moments.

Minato observed his son with the family. "We are always here for you, Naruto. Always." He said, the tone serious, but full of love.

Kushina hugged even tighter as a loving gesture. "Oh, my dear. No matter what happens, you will always have your home here. With us." She said, her voice full of emotion.

Naruto nodded, grateful, fighting the lump in his throat. "I know, mom. And I love you all for it." He said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Yes, brother." Mizu spoke, and Sora just nodded with a tear.

The room was filled with a light laughter from Naruto as a tear streamed down one of his eyes. His family looked at Naruto still curious, after all, they were used to his more closed-off and serious personality, they couldn't help but notice his more open and affectionate behavior, making Kushina and Minato exchange a knowing look.

After this moment, a silence took over the atmosphere of the Namikaze family as Kushina noticed the strange mood after Naruto's words, she tried to cheer up her family. "I'll make Naruto's favorite food, Dattebane!" She announced as she stood up and went to the kitchen, and Minato also left Naruto while messing up his hair.

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