✿ 21 •~ To my brother

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To my brother, I share these words so true,
In your own way, you're amazing, it's true.
You inspire me in all you do,
Keep giving your best, that's my cue.

Remember, brother, don't push too hard,
Your health's what matters, don't disregard.
Be responsible, but also have fun,
Make time for family when the work is done.

Cherish yourself, don't forget to smile,
You're special, don't think for a while.
Look after our folks, be their guide,
In your love and care, let them confide.

From above, I'll watch over you,
Sending love like morning dew.
You supported me with all your might,
Now it's my turn to shine a light.

I'm sorry for the pain I've caused,
But please, don't let it be your loss.
Remember me with laughter, not sorrow,
Let me be a bright spot, in your tomorrow.

I wish you could forget my name,
So you wouldn't bear this pain.
I'm tired now, it's time to rest,
But know, dear brother, you're still the best.

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