Cheater Coco x Male Reader x Pyrrha

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

I can't believe this! How could she do something so terrible to a great guy like [Y/N]?!

Pyrrha Nikos questions to herself in shock after finding out that her close friend [Y/N] [L/N] has been cheated on by his girlfriend Coco Adel, which she found out from Coco's teammate Velvet.

Velvet : I wish it weren't true, but I saw her getting....intimate with that guy when I came back to the dorm after spending the day in Vale.

Pyrrha : T-this is horrible! We need to tell [Y/N]!

She exclaims as Velvet looks down sadly and shakes her head.

Velvet : He already knows. [Y/N] was with me, and once he saw what Coco was doing, he ran back to his dorm without saying anything. I'm worried about him Pyrrha, he didn't deserve that.

Hearing this breaks Pyrrha's heart.

Poor [Y/N]. He must be really hurting right now. I should go comfort him!

She says goodbye to Velvet before making her way to [Y/N]'s dorm.

When she gets there, Pyrrha finds him sitting on the bed with tear stains on his face.

He's been crying. I have half the nerve to personally confront Coco for what she did, but I don't want to make matters worse.

Pyrrha thinks to herself and frowns at the thought of the cheater, secretly wanting to fight her for breaking [Y/N]'s heart.

Entering the room slowly, she calls out to her friend in a soft voice.

Pyrrha : [Y/N]?

He turns to look at her while putting on a fake smile.

[Y/N] : H-hey Pyrrha, what's up?

Pyrrha : I heard what happened with Coco. I'm so sorry.

At the mention of his cheating girlfriend, [Y/N]'s smile fades as more tears threaten to fall.

[Y/N] : O-oh, so you know about that?

Pyrrha : I do, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you.

[Y/N] : T-thanks Pyrrha. That means I lot. I just...wish I knew what I did wrong for Coco to do what she did. Was I not good enough? Or maybe she was just using me to get with that other guy? I loved her Pyrrha!

He breaks down as Pyrrha immediately rushes over to comfort him.

Pyrrha : Shh. It's ok [Y/N]. You were good enough for her, and any girl for that matter. Why she threw away her relationship with you is beyond me, but all I know is that she lost a really great guy. If anything [Y/N], you are too good for her.

[Y/N] : Y-you think so Pyrrha?

He asks while wiping his tears away.

Pyrrha : I do. You are amazing [Y/N], and any girl here would be lucky to be your girlfriend.

I just wish I was the lucky one.

[Y/N] : You always know how to cheer people up when they're sad Pyrrha, it's one of the many things that makes you so great.

Pyrrha : W-why thank you [Y/N], that was really sweet.

She says while blushing slightly from his kind words.

I really wanna tell [Y/N] how I feel, but now is not the time. Right now, all I can do is be there for him. I'll get my chance to confess, but only once he gets over what Coco did.

The two embrace and decide to watch a move together, already helping [Y/N] get over Coco's cheating.


A few weeks later, [Y/N] seems to have gotten over being cheated on.

Not long after Pyrrha comforted him, [Y/N] confronted Coco and broke up with her after learning that the cheating had been going on for longer than he thought.

As Pyrrha spent a lot of time with him in order to cheer her friend up, she began falling even harder for [Y/N], eventually leading to her friends convincing her to finally confess.

Right now, she and [Y/N] just got back to his dorm after spending the whole afternoon training together.

[Y/N] : Man, I almost forgot how skilled a fighter you are Pyrrha. You absolutely put me through the wringer with that last sparring match.

Pyrrha : While I appreciate the compliment, don't count yourself out [Y/N]. You are a strong fighter as well.

They both sit down on the bed as [Y/N] takes a drink from his water bottle before speaking.

[Y/N] : Hey Pyrrha?

Pyrrha : Yes [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me over these last couple weeks. If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be crying over what happened with Coco.

Pyrrha : There's no need to thank me [Y/N]. That's what friends are for.

Though I wish I was more than your friend, I just need to decide when I'm going to tell you how I feel.

[Y/N] : About that Pyrrha. Hanging out with you so much has made me realize something. I don't know exactly when this happened, but at some point, I found myself....falling for you.

I-is he saying what I think he's saying?!

Pyrrha : [Y/N], a-are you-

[Y/N] : Yes. I love you Pyrrha.

The red haired girl smiles widely as she feels her heart swell with joy.

Pyrrha : I love you too [Y/N], and I promise you that I will never break your heart!

She says as [Y/N] smiles and moves closer to her.

[Y/N] : I know you won't Pyrr.

The two embrace as Pyrrha slams her lips onto his, causing [Y/N] to feel more love from her than he ever did from his cheating ex.

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