Going Out Incognito

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[F/C] = Favorite Color

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

Alright, [Y/N] should be here soon to pick me up. I really hope no one recognizes me in Vale.

Pyrrha puts on her shoes as she waits for her boyfriend [Y/N] to come to her dorm so their date can begin.

This normally isn't what I would wear for a date, but I don't want my celebrity status to jeopardize my time with [Y/N].

She thinks to herself, referring to the black Pumpkin Pete's hoodie she's wearing to avoid being recognized while on her date.

A few minutes later, [Y/N] arrives wear a [F/C] polo shirt and a pair of jeans.

[Y/N] : Hey Pyrr! Hope I didn't keep you waiting long.

Pyrrha : Not at all. Please be honest with me [Y/N], how do I look?

[Y/N] : Absolutely beautiful, just like you always do Pyrr.

He tells her with a sweet smile that she can't help but blush at.

Pyrrha : T-thank you [Y/N], I was just worried you might not like what I chose to wear.

She says, causing her boyfriend to tilt his head in confusion.

Why wouldn't I like what she's wearing? Because it's a hoodie? Lots of people wear hoodies, in fact I own several [F/C] ones myself. She's probably just a little nervous since this is our first date.

[Y/N] : Pyrrha, you never have to worry about stuff like that when it comes to me. All I care about is being with you, anything else is superfluous.

Hearing this makes Pyrrha feel a lot better as she gives [Y/N] a small smile.

Pyrrha : Thank you [Y/N]. Now let's get going, I've been looking forward to this all day.

[Y/N] : Alright milady, we shall depart forthwith!

He says in a funny voice as his girlfriend giggles and walks out with him hand in hand.


So far, the two have been greatly enjoying their first date, but [Y/N] couldn't help but notice something odd as the date progresses.

Pyrrha's kept her hood up this entire time, and she seems to hide her face whenever people are around. There's something going on with her, but what?

Currently sitting at a cafe while drinking hot chocolate, [Y/N] looks at his girlfriend with worry.

[Y/N] : Pyrr, is everything ok?

Pyrrha : Of course! Why do you ask [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : It's just that....you haven't put your hood down once and you're covering your face a lot. Do you...not wanna be seen with me?

He asks her with sadness in his voice as Pyrrha's eyes widen.

Pyrrha : No! [Y/N] I swear it's nothing like that! I adore being with you and I'm not ashamed to be seen with you at all! The thing is though....

She pauses as her boyfriend looks at her intently before speaking again.

Pyrrha : I don't want to be recognized. This date is important to me and I didn't want it to be ruined because of people seeing me in public.

That honestly makes sense, Pyrrha's told me stories of how she's been constantly overwhelmed by her fans before coming to Beacon.

[Y/N] : So that's why you decided to go all incognito mode huh?

Pyrrha : Y-yeah. You're not mad about it are you?

[Y/N] : How could I be? I may not be a celebrity myself, but I've watched enough tv and read plenty of magazines to know that it's rough trying to have a normal life outside of being famous. I totally understand why you decided to hide your identity Pyrr. I could never be mad at you, I love you too much.

The red haired girl's face turns the same color as her hair at hearing those three special words.

Pyrrha : You...just said you l-love me.

[Y/N]'s eyes widen in realization as he and Pyrrha haven't actually said the "l word" to each other yet.

I can't believe I said that! And on our first date no less! What if it was too soon?!

[Y/N] : L-listen Pyrrha, I know we've only been dating for a few weeks now, so it's fine if you're not ready to say it ba-

He's silenced by his girlfriend kissing him softly on the lips before pulling away with a large smile on her face.

Pyrrha : I love you too [Y/N].

[Y/N] feels his face heat up as he returns her smile.

Best. Date. Ever.

After finishing their drinks, [Y/N] and Pyrrha begins walking back to Beacon when a gust of wind blows the hood of her hoodie down.

Bystander #1 : Hey, is that Pyrrha Nikos?!

Bystander #2 : The Invincible Girl is here?! No way!

A small crowd begins forming as Pyrrha grips her boyfriend's hand.

Oh no. This is exactly what I was afraid of happening.

She sighs as [Y/N] notices her discomfort and gets an idea.

[Y/N] : Sorry folks, Pyrrha isn't feeling well and needs to get back to her dorm for some rest.

Bystander #1 : Aww, sorry to hear that.

Bystander #2 : Get well soon champ!

Bystander #3 : Rest easy!

The crowd then disperses as the couple proceed back to JNPR's dorm without any trouble.

[Y/N] : I had a lot of fun with you today Pyrr.

Pyrrha : Me too [Y/N]. Thank you for what you did back there.

[Y/N] : I hate seeing you uncomfortable, so I had to do something about it. I love you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha : I love you too [Y/N].

The two kiss before going their separate ways, Pyrrha thinking to herself that maybe with [Y/N] with her, she doesn't need to go incognito anymore.

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