A Swarm of Problems

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It was nighttime, some buildings had their lights on while others didn't, though standing above all of these buildings was none other than Oscorp. A building that towereds all other buildings, just like Norman towers all other people. Speaking of which, Norman stood in front of his massive glass wall in his office room, staring out the window and down at all buildings including people that were beneath, showing no sign of emotions. However, he wasn't alone, as someone stood in front of his desk, that person being Hammerhead.

Norman: You know, usually some would need to call in advance so I can set up a meeting, but for you. I have to make an exception.

He turned towards Hammer as he spoke with empathy as his face showed no emotions either.

Hammerhead: well if the big man wants to talk to you, he's going to talk to you, he has no time to waste. Especially with mooks like you.

He spoke in a grumbling voice. Norman simply walked up to his chair, sat on it, and stared at Hammerhead.

Norman: Now Hammerhead, we're not here to throw insults at each other, we're here to talk business.

He sternly said to Hammerhead, as he turned his chair around, having his back facing Hammerhead, which irritated him. Unless you were the big man himself, Hammerhead wouldn't accept this but Norman was important so he would have to let this slide, for now at least.

Hammerhead: Well you see Norman, the big man lately having an insect problem, an insect he wants out of the picture.

He said sternly as he punched his palm, referring to Spider-Man.

Norman: I'm assuming this insect is none other than Spider-Man himself?

He asked Hammerhead as he raised an eyebrow.

Hammerhead: you pick up pretty quick.

He said with a mocking smirk, which Norman could tell he had despite not facing him.

Norman: Yes, I didn't make this company out of stupidity, did I?

Hammerhead: you made this company off of the big man's money. So you're indebted to the big man, for the rest of your life, or did you forget that?

He gritted through his teeth. Reminding Norman that he was on the big man's leash, whether he liked it or not.

Norman: unfortunately.

He whispers to himself with venom. However, Hammerhead had heard him, causing him to clench his fist.

Hammerhead: Do we have a problem?

He gritted his teeth as he slammed his fist upon Norman's wooden desk, causing a crack to appear on it.

Norman: Settle down, settle down.

He waved his hand around as he spoke calmly, as he turned his chair towards him. Hammerhead continued to glare at him as he lifted his hand off the table.

Norman: so, how does the big man want me to get rid of our pest problem?

Hammerhead: simply, he wants you to make us our very own super freak.

He told Norman with a smirk on his face.

Norman: So the big man wants Spider-Man to be gone, by fighting fire with fire. Well, he chose the right man to help with that. With the brilliant mind of me and Dr Otto, we are sure to get some payback with Spider-Man.

He said with confidence in his mind and a smirk on his face. However, Hammerhead raises an eyebrow, wondering what was Norman's beef with Spider-Man as he saw on the news that he saved him.

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