A shocking new enemy

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Somewhere at the Life Foundations, Carlton Drake sat in his office, sitting down as he stared at the TV right in front of him, with Dr Morbius standing right beside him. He stared at the TV, as the news played on it.

News reporter: In another shock of events, a 60-year-old man named Adrian Toomes, who goes by the alias, "Vulture" has attacked multi-billionaire Norman Osborn, taking him around the city with his flying tech. However, an unwelcome guest interrupted the Vulture's plan, the guest none other than that masked vigilante who killed Walter Hardy, who goes by the now-named alias, "Spider-man" stopped the Vulture before he could bring any harm to Norman Osborn.

The news reporter reported as they stared directly into the camera. Carlton stares at the TV, his eyes emotionless as he stands still on his chair like a statue, his hands clasped against his face. The news reporter went on, however, Dr. Morbius grabbed the TV remote, turned off the TV, and then faced Carlton.

Dr Morbius: Well Mr. Carlton Drake, it seems that the life form had gained a new host, and that host decided to play dress up with the life form. Just so this host of his can play the hero.

He told Carlton in a grumbling voice, as he mocked the spider man.

Dr Morbius: So what do you say we do?

He asked Carlton. Carlton, put his fingers on his chin, thinking of ideas on what to do in the current situation. His eyebrow raised, and many thoughts went through his mind, but none felt right to him. He stood still like a statue for a few seconds, until making up an idea.

Carlton: let him play make-believe. Let him live out his childhood dream, let him think that he can save everyone.

He spoke in a deep stern voice. Hearing this, Dr. Morbius raised an eyebrow, baffled by his plan.

Dr Morbius: Sir, are you sure we should let him do this? No disrespect to your high intelligence sir but doing nothing might not help us, what happens if this host of the life form becomes stronger together?

Dr. Morbius went against Carlton's ideas, being baffled by it. However, Carlton continues to stare at Dr. Morbius with no emotions. Carlton turned his chair away from him, staring at the window behind him.

Carlton: So will we, he had just started. While we have a massive head start, let him be a hero, while we try to perfect our animal serum. The serum right now is completely imperfect and I can't have weak-minded men turn animalistic every time they transform. So let's focus on the animal serum for now, so we can make our perfect soldiers.

He told Dr. Morbius with his back facing him, his voice still apathetic. Dr. Morbius stares at Carlton, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh.

Dr. Morbius: Well if you say, sir, I just hope you know what you're doing.

He said to Cartlon in a stern voice. Dr. Mrobius then walked out of the room, leaving Carlton by himself, staring out the window with no emotions.

Time skip

It was night, the moon filled the sky as its light hit the ground. Somewhere in Midtown Manhattan, three people burst out from the back door of a jewelry store into the alleyway. Three of these people held bags over their shoulders, bags filled with jewelry and money.

O'hern: Alright you two, we got the jewelry and the cash for the big man, so don't go messing up right now. You got that, Frank and Fritz.

He told the other two, O'hern was a 7-foot-tall buff man, with black hair, and he wore gray clothes. Frank scoffed at his command.

Frank: Ah cool down might, I know what I'm doing. You should be worried about this bugger.

Frank pointed his finger at Fritz, Frank spoke in an Australian accent and pointed at Fritz. Frank was a 6-foot-tall buff man, he wore a cork hat and also wore a vest with leather jeans. Annoyed by Frank, Fritz smacked Frank's finger away from him.

Spider-Man: symbiotic relationshipsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin