9 | Mortal Enemies

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After the exam, the remaining trainees followed Professor Laskaris to the academy gates. They were at least 50 feet tall, made out of jet-black steel, designed to look like vines and feathers. Also carved out of steel, propped on top of the gate itself, it read: “Daisen Higashi Academy.” And, to finish it off, steel wings at the very top. My lips curved into a bright smile at the sight of it. Walls surrounded the entire academy, vines trailing up them like snakes. Beyond the gates and down a long pathway were the main doors. Double wooden doors the same height as the gate with gold handles and a wing carved into the middle of each door. It must be Daisen Higashi’s symbol. Wings. The pathway was lined with trees and bushes and flowers, lit up with fairy lights connected between the tree branches to give it a magical glow. There were two towers to the left, three to the right, and one directly in the middle. The grand staircase. Aszreal told me all of the towers have names, I just don’t know which name belongs to which tower.

Before opening the elegant, steel gates, Professor Laskaris spun around to face all of us, hands shoved in his pockets, and that’s when I noticed his eyes were a dark, midnight shade of blue, which can only mean one thing. Professor Laskaris has a dark ability, the first one I’ve seen all day. Because of the strict laws Cyelos has against people with a dark ability, I assumed someone wouldn’t be allowed to teach at the most prestigious academy in the kingdom for safety reasons. But he said he taught the Senior Control Course, which is probably a very important course, learning how to control your abilities. So Professor Laskaris must be a really good, strong person, despite the fact that he’s very… intimidating and threatening.

“Welcome to Daisen Higashi, trainees,” he bellowed so everyone could hear him. “Now that you’ve all made it here safely, at least I hope, you will be assigned to a dorm with one more trainee where you will stay for the rest of the week. Whoever you get placed with is final, don’t complain to me if you’re paired with someone you hate. It’s just a week, deal with it. The dorm is yours to decorate, as long as it’s clean by the end of the week. Before you enter this campus, let me put down a few ground rules. This academy isn’t your home, not yet. Take care of it. If you make a mess, clean up after yourself.

“Secondly, no visiting anyone else’s dorm under any circumstances. It’s your dorm and no one else should be bunking with you. If you’re accepted and have your own dorm, do whatever you want, but the dorm doesn’t belong to you, so no partying. Third, if you’re in a relationship, keep it private. Don’t go around bothering everybody. Fourth, you can talk to other students at the academy, whether they’re Sophomores, Juniors, or even Seniors, but you may not ask them for advice or tips. And fifth, no fighting. If anyone catches you throwing punches with another trainee or a student, you will be disqualified immediately, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Everyone responded, including me, then we went completely silent after that.

“Great. After I assign your dorms and we head inside, a student will lead you to your dorm. Be nice to them, because they are a lot stronger and smarter than you are, and if you say anything inappropriate, they will report you and you will more than likely be disqualified. You will have two hours to settle into your dorms. Unpack your bags, change your clothes, make your bed, take a shower, whatever. When that two hours is up, your designated student, also known as your guide, will lead you to the cafeteria for dinner. On your way inside, feel free to admire the academy, you may not get the chance ever again. Or during your two hours, you are welcome to explore, as long as you return to your dorm before your student, does that make sense?”

“Yes, sir,” we repeated.

“Wonderful,” he turned around and pushed open the gates. “I will begin assigning your dorms. Once it is assigned, you may head inside and meet your designated student, who I will also read off to you and explain what they look like so it’s easier to find them. Starting with…” he grabbed his clipboard from under his arm and read what it said. “Jaxson Anastos and Judah Bouras. Your student is a Junior, Ayden Christos, brown hair and glasses, green eyes.” Green eyes? That must mean he either has a nature or an earth ability.

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