8 | Starting Line

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The day has come. Today is the first day of Daisen Higashi’s entrance exams, and I’m more nervous than I’ve ever been in my whole life. I’ve been waiting for this for weeks, and it’s finally here, and for some reason, I’m anxious, my entire body trembling with fear. For a few days, I’m not going to have the support of my parents, nor the support of Aszreal. I’m going to spend each night in one of Daisen Higashi’s dorms, studying and preparing for each one of the exams and no contact with the outside world because that’s considered cheating. My parents will stay home and navigate through their regular schedule while Aszreal will be sitting on the sidelines, watching all of the trainees during the week. Next Monday, she’ll join us for the final exam and we have to fight her. Meaning we have to fight the Supreme Goddess, the strongest supernatural in the whole kingdom. Maybe that’s what I’m so scared of. Fighting against her.

I woke up at six in the morning just to make sure I got ready in time. I brushed my hair, my teeth and, of course, sprayed some cologne, then ate breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and toast, because Aszreal wanted to make sure that I had plenty of protein. I drank two bottles of water and a sports drink, then proceeded to practice outside for a few minutes so my abilities were fully activated. After that, I changed my clothes. Aszreal had special gear made for me so my body was protected. Evidently she has a friend in Athaneli, Selena, who creates special gear for heroes so it’s not extremely easy to damage their bodies. Mine arrived yesterday, and it’s made of leather and the scales of a sea serpent. I tried everything yesterday to check that it fit, and it did because Aszreal measured my body perfectly before sending Selena the order.

My gear consists of black, leather pants and a long sleeve leather top, as well as sturdy leather boots. Sea serpent scales reach from my wrists to my shoulders, also across my chest and wrapped around my knees. I guess they’re a symbol of safety and protection. My boots were tied tightly and my hair was tied back in a bun. Aszreal told me that, if I have it down, then it might blow in my face and bother me. Apparently Cyrenae is very windy, particularly on Mondays, which doesn’t make sense to me, and it definitely doesn’t make sense to Aszreal either, but we both just go along with it because this kingdom as a whole is confusing. I managed to learn that pretty early on.

When Aszreal was finished adding the final touch to my outfit, a gold necklace with a wing pendant hooked to it, she grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around. She looked me up and down and smiled. “You look amazing. Like a true hero. Remember that the scales are there to protect you. Not to make you look weak or anything like you can’t handle yourself, because I know you can. In fact, I bet many kids will be wearing scales to keep them safe, whether they’re from a sea serpent, a scylla, or a dragon.”

“So… what do I need to know about the exam?”

“I can’t tell you much. What I can tell you is that you’ll be starting with the agility exam to test how quickly you can move and how gracefully. Don’t think about it too much, just… be yourself. I’ve seen what you’re capable of, and as long as you don’t forget everything I taught you, then you’ll be fine, and you have high chances of being accepted. Keep in mind, Bren, that first impressions are important. Look strong and intimidating and determined, but don’t be mean about it. Be nice to people, create allies, limit your rivalries or people will turn their backs and go to great lengths to eliminate you. I’ll be watching from the mentor booth. Unfortunately, I can’t bet on anyone or cheer. But if I could, I’d be cheering for you.”

“Thank you, Aszreal. For everything.”

“Of course,” she patted me on the shoulder. “Now, because we won’t be seeing each other for a few days, let me give you some tips. Tips that aren’t considered cheating,” she shrugged. “Get plenty of rest each night. Go to bed as early as possible, don’t stay up, and don’t skip any meals except for dessert. Eat a healthy, protein filled breakfast, same with lunch and dinner, and perhaps a snack in between. If you need to use the bathroom, use it, and drink lots of water, okay?”

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