Chapter 28 : I have a date

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I landed into Monasque. I walked into the street until I found the apartment address, that someone, probably me ? had left into my pocket. I took the keys that were attached to the paper and entered. It was a huge duplex with a balcony and a wine cave. I put my bagpack on the ground and decided to visit the city since I had been there a long time ago.

However something felt weird, there was this noise, this smell, every time someone walked too close to me, I felt hungry. I thought maybe I was sick...

But after a few hours, when the night was starting to take it's rightful place, I saw someone in an alley. And it was like I was on autopilot. In an instant,  I grabbed the person muttering a spell to knock him out before I bit down his throat, drinking, drinking, drinking. Until his body went limp and he fell to the floor, I had blood all over my mouth and on my hands. Suddenly, I was pushed against the wall.

"- I don't know who you are but we don't feed on people like that. We don't want people to look into this city. So you better get outta here ! The unknown woman said letting go.

- I didn't mean to, I answered my hands shaking. I'm a siphoner...I...I... I'm not a vampire... I stuttered.

- Whatever game you're playing, I suggest that you stop, she snapped.

- Please, I'm begging you to help me."

The woman looked at me with confusion and pity before dragging me out. She cleaned the blood on me in a fontaine before going to a restaurant. We sat into a corner, hidden from most eyes.

"- So what happened to us ? I asked.

-  You died and so did I. We're vampires.

- Vampire ?

- You're a witch and you've never heard of vampires ? She said disbelieved.

- I'm having memory trouble. I just remember this guy driving me to the airport from New Orleans but I can't remember why and what happened there.

- So you remember your childhood and everything ?

- Yes, I just have this hole in what happened the last few years. I just knew I was a siphoner like it was anchored in me, like something I shouldn't forget.

- Siphoner are a special kind of witch. They are the only ones that keep their magic when they're turned into vampires.

- Is there a cure for this ?

- You do not enjoy this ?

- Killing people to feed ? Absolutely not, I deadpanned.

- You don't have too. I can teach you how to feed properly. It's called compeling, they don't suffer and they just move on with their life.

- I'd like that, I smiled softly to the woman.

- Being a vampire has it's perks. Close your eyes and listen. If we were human, it would sound like a thud. But we hear the crisp cracking of varnish splitting off the wood. Tiny staccato echoes as the sound hits pockets where sap once flowed, and the thunderous boom of the metal legs vibrating against the floor. It used to be noise. Now it's music. On the other hand, we also catch fire in the sun, but hey, nothing's perfect, she joked.

- I didn't burn in the sun ? I said confused.

- The witch side of you must protect you. Because that ring you got doesn't have lapiz lazuli and it's a key ingredient for a daylight ring.

Freya Mikaelson x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now