Chapter 27 : Hope is safe

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I entered the room, everyone was getting ready. I smiled at Freya, hiding the pit that was starting to form in my stomach.
Elijah gave me a thankful look as Freya started doing the spell, I exchanged places with him at the last minute, taking into me the Hollow. I felt this familiar cold into my flesh and bones, and my eyes flashed a bright blue for a few seconds like the three siblings. My girlfriend looked at me desperately.
The Hollow had gone into Rebekah, Kol, Klaus, and I, four vessels just like we needed, just not the one she thought. The firsts vamped fastly away. I vamped to Freya kissing her, knowing it was the last.
« I love you, Freya. Forgive me, my Love. » I said with tears in my eyes.

And then I vamped away, taking some of my stuff with me. Since I had already a part of the Hollow in me, due to me siphoning Hope, I could already feel his power trying to cloud my judgment.

« I told you you would be mine, Siphoner, the voice snarled. See you're alone just like I promised you. Now kill her ! Kill her ! The Hollow said, making my fangs appear. Kill them all and you will be free…
- Shut up ! I yelled, clenching my head. »  

I had to leave the country and fast. But before leaving, I had to do something. I called Marcel, asking for one last favour from him. I needed him to compelled my memories away. I wanted to keep them, but right now they were a weakness for the Hollow to use and I couldn't let it use it against The woman I love, against my sister, my niece, my best friends, my found family. I couldn't.

Marcel joined me the furthest from the Mikaelson Mansion.

« Are you sure you want to do that ? He asked, worried for me.
- I do. I can feel the Hollow wanting me to turn on you and everyone else. I already was affected by it since I siphoned Hope, and my mind is getting weaker and weaker to fight. And if I can't hold back anymore, I'm afraid I'll hurt someone, I sighed.
- Then let's do this and fast. What do you need me to compel away ?
- I need to forget about the people from this town. Everyone, every person I met. Without forgetting that I'm a heretic, of course, because I don't want to learn how to do magic again. Before you do it, I want to thank you for everything you did for me, Marcel. You're truly a great friend, I smile sadly.
- Thank you for letting me help you in your journey, Y/n. Let's get to business now, shall we ? He said as his voice was breaking a bit.
- Let's do this, your presence is already starting to hurt my head. »

He put a hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes, and started compelling me.

« Forget your first night in New Orleans. The woman you met, Freya Mikaelson, this woman you love, forget her. »

«  Beautiful name for a beautiful woman, I smirked at the beautiful blonde woman.
You're a flirt, I see, but let's skip to the fun part, she said, kissing me. »

« All the love for her, forget it. »

« I got you this, Freya said, showing me a ring.
- You want to marry me, I chuckled. It's a bit early. I'm flattered, thought
- It's for you to siphon dumbass, I just did one more of your style, she said, punching my shoulder lightly. But I can keep it if you don't want it.
- No no no ! I want it ! I said, taking it and putting it on my right hand. Thank you, Love. I'll never take it off»

« The Mikaelsons, this family you found...»

I watched by the window Klaus and Rebekah playing with Hope before heading to the kitchen where Hayley was.

« You should see how Klaus is looking at Hope, he's so cute in his father mode
- It's refreshing to see him like that to be honest, Hayley said.
- Don't tell the others, but I'm kinda started to think that The Mikaelson aren't that bad.
- You're in love with one dumbass.
- You too, I smirk.
- Stop it, or I'll tell them you're starting to feel like they're your found family Y/n y/l/n.
- Don't you dare Hayley Marshall ! I said, chasing her as she ran outside.
-  Klaus ! She said, still running.
Wolfy, no ! I said, grabbing her and putting my hand over her mouth. I'm fast too, remember ? I smirk.»


« Thank you for taking care of my daughter Y/n, Klaus said.
- No need to. I made you a promise. I just kept it. And let's be honest, Hope is too sweet for me to say no to her.
- That she is… He smiled softly.
- Damn who knew Klaus Mikaelson was such a softy. »

« The friend you made… forget them.»

« I'm Y/n, I heard this person could help me with my magic.
- Then, hi, I'm Davina, the regent of the witches of New Orleans. »

« The name is Jackson, the werewolf said, extending his hand to me. We didn't have a proper introduction.
- I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you without you being chained, I joked and shook his hand. »

« Marcel Gerard, right ? I ask the vampire.
- In the flesh, you're the siphoner ?
- In the flesh, I answered back, laughing slightly intimidated. »

« Forget New Orleans, just remember what you learn about you. Forget everything else. Remember you need to leave this country. And never turn back. »

I stepped back from the man holding my shoulder. I wiped a tear on my cheek. Why was I crying ?

« I'm sorry ? Do we know each other ? I asked, confused.
- No, I'm Marcel. I'm here to drive to the airport.
Oh, I totally forgot about that, I must have zones out. Thank you, I smiled politely, hiding my confusion to the best I could. »

I went to the airport and took a flight to Manosque in France. I had already gone when I was young, so I thought, why not revisit the city, and see if my French wasn't too rusty. Surprisingly, I had a lot of money in my bank account, so I decided to do a job I always wanted to try, bartender. I soon became the town's favourite one since I could do cool tricks with the drink without spilling anything, the perks of being a vampire and witch.

Today was a calm day at the bar. There were only a few people here. A customer arrived, a woman, a brunette.

« Bonjour, que puis-je vous servir ? What can I get you ? I asked the woman, feeling a cold chill run along my back.
-  Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing, she said, simply responding in english.
- How was I doing ? I repeated, confused.
- Oh, sorry, I just meant you're pretty famous around here, I wanted to see the star.
- I'm not so special, not that much for an American to come here, I chuckled.
- I'm Andrea, she said, giving me her hand to shake.
- Y/n, but you seem to already know, I smiled. »

I was going to add something else, but another client asked for a drink. I apologized to her, preparing the drink to hand it to the man. However, when I look back to where she was, she had left. On the table was a hundred euro bill with an American quarter. I kept it as a souvenir and put the money in the tip jar.

Flashforward a few months:

My shift had just ended when a woman entered the bar. She had a blond, old-school kinda vibe, definitely my type, definitely a witch. But weirdly enough, she gave me the same vibe as Andrea.

« Hey, can I get a dance ? She asked without any introduction.
- Am I that attractive for you to ask me this without knowing each other ? I flirted.
- You are, she smirked, taking my hand and leading me on the dance floor. »

He danced all night, I had a lot of fun. Our proximity almost made me forget the cold chills her presence was giving me, and my huge headache. When the night ended, she left, leaving me without so many questions and no answer to them. I thought I could ask her another time, but then I realized she didn't give me nor her number or her name. What a shame, she was beautiful.

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