4 | 31 | That Looks Expensive

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"...alliance between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin"

The next morning, Lisa woke with a shiver and looked out the window

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The next morning, Lisa woke with a shiver and looked out the window. The ground was covered in layers of snow.

Daphne stirred as well, and Lisa tossed a pillow at her. She earned a groan in response, but it was time to open presents. They wanted to save opening them for this morning, as they were heading back to their manors for winter break.

They started with their parents' gifts. Lisa received a Quaffle of her own from her father, one that was charmed to come back around at her being thrown.

Daphne sighed at a pretty pair of boots she got. "I'm so lucky my mother seems to literally hear my thoughts."

Lisa got a couple bags of treats from her friends, a black scarf from Blaise, and a makeup kit from Daphne.

She also noticed a poorly wrapped package that sat alone. She looked closely, and it said "for Lisa" on the tag. Glancing up for just a second, she noticed Daphne completely paused and watching her with a smirk.

"Is this who I think it is?" Lisa asked.

"Whatever do you mean?" Daphne responded innocently.

Rolling her eyes, Lisa tore into the package and a letter fell out along with a small jewelry box.

She didn't want to read the letter in front of Daphne, so she looked at the box first and opened it with slightly shaking hands. It was a simple silver chain necklace with a small charm that you had to squint to make out what it was.

It was a little half-lion half-snake crest. Daphne beckoned for her to hand it over for inspection. She looked closely and hmm'd. "Not bad, Potter."

Lisa clasped it together around her neck and looked on a mirror. It was pretty and sparkly and somehow she wondered how she went without it.

The meaning had so much importance as well. He was trying to signify an alliance between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin.

Lisa got ready for the day, wearing a v-neck green sweater with a skirt, black tights, and matching boots. Her new necklace glittered at her every time she passed by something reflective.

As she was walking towards the Great Hall, she absentmindedly clasped a hand around her necklace.

A familiar figure entered the hall, and he looked up. "Lisa! What's up?" He looked at her chest and a smile made its way to his lips.

"It's beautiful, Harry," Lisa said quietly. "You really shouldn't have."

Her natural instinct was to try and hide as she was talking to Harry, but then she reminded herself she danced with him in front of basically the whole school. She didn't have to hide anymore, although she was still waiting to talk to Severus.

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