❤️Preggy lovey❤️

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Boboiboy entered your shared home, taking off his shoes with a sigh. Fifteen minutes ago, you had woken him up asking him if he could get you ice-cream, specifically lemon tea ice-cream.


He wasn't sure but he did know one thing, you were pregnant and if you wanted ice-cream, you were getting ice-cream. He shrugged off his jacket as he went to the kitchen. He scooped up a few generious scoops of ice-cream putting it in a bowl and getting you a spoon, before putting the ice-cream in the freezer.

He moved upstairs navigating through the dark, stifling a yawn. He had only managed to get three hours of sleep when you had asked for ice-cream, but at least he would be allowed a nice late morning with you once it was a more reasonable time of day.

"Flower?" He called as he moved upstairs, heading towards your bedroom.

"I got the ice-cream." He walked into the bedroom to see you were sitting up with a comforter pillow at your back.

You turned to look at him, a plate of chicken wings sitting on your belly as you looked at him with tears in your eyes. You frowned when you saw him, tears falling from your eyes.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asked as he walked over to you, putting down the bowl on his side of the bed.

You started crying as you put down the chicken wing you were eating.

"I don't want the ice-cream anymore." You said deeply upset by your change in appetite. "I thought I would want it but now that I think about it, I feel sick. So I got chicken wings from the fridge but I didn't want to tell you cause you already left to go get me ice-cream."

Boboiboy's shoulders sagged as a smile went to his face, he held back a chuckle, knowing that laughing at you would result in him being subjected to sleep in the guest room... again.

"[Name]." He moved over to you and opened his arms. "Do you need a hug?"

Despite you putting away the plate of chicken wings, you shook your head as you grabbed the on-standby tissues that were perched at your side of the bed, wiping your fingers and your face a bit.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

You looked at him again. More tears fell from your eyes as you felt a sob come out of you. You nodded your head as you leaned into your husband. He moved to pull you into his embrace. You cried in his arms, cursing the pregnancy hormones.

He rubbed your back as he held you. "There there, it's alright honey." He caressed your head as he held you.

"You're not mad?"

"I'm not mad." He shook his head.

"This is all your fault you now. You got me pregnant, now I won't stop crying."

He chuckled as he nodded his head. "I know, I'm sorry. It is my fault." He assured you.

"But you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you look even more radiant carrying our son."

Just as you were about to stop crying, your lips wobbled in a frown as more tears went to your eyes as you remembered the gender reveal you had just two weeks ago.

"We're having a boy." You let out as you started crying again.

Boboiboy smiled as he stayed holding you, allowing you to process your emotions. "We are."

"I'm so happy."

"I'm glad you're happy, my love." He kissed the top of your head. "I'm happy to. Now can I get you a nice damp cloth to wipe your face? Would that make you feel better?"

You nodded your head with a sniff. "I think i want the ice-cream now."

"With the chicken wings?" Your eyes brightened, excited at the disgusting combination. Boboiboy chuckled.

He passed over the ice-cream handing it to you. You smiled happily as you took a spoon of ice-cream, putting it in your mouth with a happy hum.

He shook his head as he moved to head to the bathroom. He wet your cloth, making it warm and damp. He wringed it of water.

"BOBOIBOY!" You shouted.

At your tone of voice, in a flash of light he was at your side. "What's wrong?" He asked with a worried expression.

You paused as if you were waiting for something to happen. You gasped as you looked back up at him. "There it was again!"

"There was what!?" He asked. He looked around the room. "Do you hear something? Are the kittens awake?"

"No, love." You put away the ice-cream next to your chicken wings before grabbing his hand and pulling him closer so that he could sit at the end of the bed. You moved his hand to rest on top of your silk maternity night gown as you waited for it to happen again. "I..." you started of softly. "I'm not sure but... I think-"

You stopped talking as you both looked down at your stomach. Right where you had put your husband's hand you saw a slight shift before a kick went to his fingers. Then nothing.

You looked at Boboiboy and he looked back at you with wide brown eyes.

You looked back down at your stomach. You poked your tummy again.


Another shift happened.

"Oh my God..." You let out softly. "Boboiboy... Boboiboy, he's moving." You let out in disbelief.

"OH MY GOD! HE'S MOVING!" You shouted in excitement. "I've been waiting for him to move."

Your husband was speechless as he moved closer to your stomach, shifting to move his entire palm over your stomach.

He put his head on top of your stomach, almost as if he wanted to hear something. Then he felt another shift.

This was real. The little baby inside you was real and he was finally big enough to make his presence known.

The wonder of a woman's body was a mystery to Boboiboy, but to be able to make this? Well that's something he couldn't help but praise for the rest of his life.

A chuckle of disbelief came out of your husband as he laughed. Tears went to his eyes. He nodded his head affirming your words. "He's moving."

"HE'S MOVING!" You laughed as tears left your own eyes.

Boboiboy x Reader [Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now