[1] Beginning

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Elsa's POV

So here it goes, I'm Elsa Winters, and if you expect me to be beautiful because of my name. Guess again, people.

Knowing that if you think wearing glasses and braces makes me the most elegant, sarcastic, perfect girl in NerdVille, thank you, I appreciate your opinion.

Yeah, I know I love myself too much. I told you I'm the most sarcastic citizen on NerdVille. But hey, we're all human here people. So sadistic, bitchy, arrogant, and the list goes on, bullies. Back the fuck off.

God I ramble too much, let's just start the story, shall we?

Well, first and for most, don't expect me to be a morning person that's for sure, but if you're expecting me to be one, you're reading the wrong book, bud.

* * *

"Dear, wake up." I heard my mom coo in my ear.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groaned while burying my head under my pillow.

"The time where you get your butt off the damn bed, and eat, take a shower, and go to school." I love my mom but she can be a pain on the ass sometimes.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I slide the lower half of my body off the bed making me kneel on the ground while my upper half is covered under the duvet, "Happy? My damn butt is off the bed now, so can I go back to sleep? I'll do the rest of what you told me tomorrow."

"Oh fine," oh no, it doesn't sound good when my mom is being sarcastic herself, "I'll just make Anna eat the rest of your chocolate pudding then, what a shame."

"Shit! Anna Winters! Keep your hands to yourself, missy!" I exclaimed jumping down the stairs as I dash off towards our table to stop my 12 year old sister before it's too late.

"Snowflake, don't worry, Anna's still asleep," My mom said as she started patting my head smoothly, "And language dearest."

"Hehe." I gave my mom a sheepish smile.

"Now eat and take a bath. You don't want to be late for school again would you." My mom smiled at me as she placed a plate of hot heaven in front of me.

"Okay." I replied as I immedietly began munching down my food.

"It's not like I do it by accident mom," I muttered, "If only you know how much it hurts getting bullied early as soon as you lay a foot on the school grounds. So yeah, I'd rather be late than early."

"What did you say, dear?"

"What?! Oh, nothing. I'm just muttering how yummy the food is mom."

"Okay! Glad you like them dear. I made them very hard. With my whole heart."

I glanced at the trash bin beside the sink and asked my mom with an eye brow raised, "Really? It's that hard to order fast food from Bob's Diner?"

* * *

I took a bath and wore my white polo with a cute pouch and my red checkered skirt paired with some of my white knee length socks and red high-cut converse with my hair in a tight bun.

"Bye mom!" I exclaimed as I rode my bike with Anna biking behind me.

We arrived at our school 10 minutes early, imagine the bright ugly grin on my face people. Hooray to me. We parted ways going to our lockers as soon as we step foot inside the ugly cliché school building in movies. When I closed my locker shut, Jack Overland Frost was there. Let's call him Jack for short.

"Look who decided to show up." Jack glared at me and slapped away my books from my arms.

Typical cliché move.

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