
640 21 27

December 20th, 2022

Madeline's pov
"LUNA GET UP" I banged on her door before just deciding to walk in. Luna had on a hoodie which was covering her face slightly snoring. I walked over to her and saw that her phone was on. I picked it up only to hear gun shots, she was on the phone with Brady.

If I wasn't mad at her for not being up I would've thought this was cute. I started violently shaking her "Luna get up" she groaned turning away from me "alright then" I pulled the blankets off of her and dragged her to the floor. When her body made contact with the hardwood floor she screamed "MADDIE WHAT THE FUCK" I stood over and smiled "time to get up we gotta start getting ready" I saw Brady looking at the camera and I smiled at him.

"Good morning Brady" I gave Luna her phone and walked out her. "You have 25 minutes Luna", as I walked back into the living room I heard her groan loudly. Milo was gone doing some last minute filming for School Sprits and then he was going to meet us in Illinois. I've spoken to Milo's mom over the phone a few times back when I was in Romania but this was the first time we were going to meet in person.

I really wanted everything to go perfectly so hopefully she didn't see my post about her son taking her virginity. Luna stomped out her room and stared at me "you know this is bullshit. Why did you pick an early flight?" I rolled my eyes at her "Luna it's 12:45 and our flight leaves at 4 so no I didn't get an early flight. What time did you and Brady go to bed?"

Luna looked down at her phone and Brady waved slightly at me before continuing to play his game. Luna shrugged "it's hard because of our time difference" I rolled my eyes "it's only 3 hours tell Brady goodbye and start getting ready please" Luna groaned "why can't you be a normal celebrity and own a private jet?" She slammed the bathroom door and I took a deep breath.

We're sisters so of course we fight and argue but lately Luna has been acting like a little brat. I sat on the couch and decided to bug Milo. He answered after the 2nd ring.

"Yo what up girl?" I smiled at him through the camera "nothing I just miss you" he smiled at me "i miss you more. Hey did you ever get Luka up?" I nodded "yeha but she is not happy with me... like at all" Milo shrugged "eh she's just being a teenager" I sighed "I know but she's never acted like this with me before. It's different" "hey raising a teenager isn't easy I think we both knew that when you filed for guardianship over her".

I nodded knowing he was right but it was still tragic. Milo hollered happily off camera and I just watched him for a second. "Mi where are you?" He started running "we're playing flag football babe" I smiled at him "ok well I'll text you when I get to your mom's" he laughed "don't worry I'll be there I promise" "bye Mi I love you" "I love you too" I hung up on him and slumped into the couch.

Luna walked out of the bathroom "I'm ready" "you look like a ran down hooker" Luna rolled her eyes "pretty sure that sexist Mads, woman can wear shorts in public" I shrugged "fine but don't come crying to me when you're cold on the plane" "I'm bringing a blanket".

She looked away from me and I felt sad. This wasn't like my Luna at all. I went over to her and kissed her cheek "ugh Maddie what are you doing?" I kissed her again and again all over her face causing her to start laughing. She tried to run away from me but I pinned her to the floor "eww Madeline you're a freak move" u started tickling her and she could no longer hold back her laughs.

"Ok, ok what's up? I'm sorry" I stopped tickling her and laid next to her on the floor "I love you Looney, so much" she cuddled into my side "I know and i love you too" I giggled and then sat up "alright we really gotta go becuase LAX is quite the trip from here" she nodded and also stood up.

Luna and I were walking down the stairs hand in hand. She said it was embarrassing to which I did agree but we ultimately decided it was cute. "Hey Maddie I'm sorry I've been acting like a little brat lately" I shrugged "it's ok Looney, you're getting older and—

"Yeha but that's still not an excuse, you don't owe me anything you're not my mom you're just a really great sister—

"Looney shut up I love you! I'd do anything to make you happy even if that means getting yelled at by you" I looked up to see Milo holding a sign that said 'Welcome Luna and her loser older sister Madeline' Luna ran to him and he gave her a big hug.

I rolled my eyes at them and Milo opened his arms so of course I ran to him. I jumped and he caught me spinning us slightly. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and I started kissing him. I held his face and he held my waist "ugh guys remember that you are famous, and we're in a public space" Luna kicked Milo's leg and he put me down.

I looked around to see a few people taking pictures of us. I waved and then we left to go to Milo's car. "Oh guys I'm so excited you're here I can't wait for you to meet my mom, she's so happy and she is like totally obsessed with you guys but like I'm a good way".

Luna shrugged "I've been binge watching the Ghost Whisper so I'm also totally obsessed with your mother... in a good way" Milo winked at her and then he took our suitcases and out them in the trunk.

As soon as we sat down Luna started texting "texting Brady?" Luna looked up at me still with a smile on her face "ugh yeah he was wondering if I could fly out to him sometime during the break" I looked over at Milo as Luna stared at us hopefully "ugh Milo and I will discuss it ok?" Luna nodded and then began texting again.

Milo leaned in close and whispered in my ear "is Luna dating? Are we allowing her to date?" I shrugged "we can discuss it later" I pulled him in closer and kissed quickly. "Alright go I'm ready" he smiled happily "yes ma'am".

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