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November 30th, 2022

Luna's pov
"But like what qualifies as a good fight?" Brady shrugged at me "I dunno one that has more punches than hair pulling" I stared at him for a second before laughing "ugh youre such a little know it all" Brady laughed before I put my phone down and we turned our attention back on the football game.

I know it's crazy but I go to a public school. After Stuck in the Middle I told Maddie I didn't know if acting was what I really wanted so I took s pause and went to school. While I did eventually start acting again Maddie never unenrolled me from school so I just kept going.

Tonight was our final Football game so I invited Brady to come with me. "KEEP GOING 27 YOU CAN DO IT!!" Brady was way more into the game then I was, truth be told I only came to games to dress up. "Luna we're going to dinner after this is you wanna come" I looked over at my friend Jossyln and smiled "of course I wanna come but would I have to time to change? Also ugh so you mind if Brady comes?" Joss smiled "girl of course not!".

I tapped Brady's shoulder "hey my friends are going out to dinner after this, do you wanna join? We can stop by my house real quick to change if you want?" Brady smiled down at me "yeah sure" I nodded ignoring the butterflies jumping in my stomach. "Alright we're so down but we both gotta go to my house and change" Joss smiled "ugh I'm so happy you're back! You were gonna for like a week and a half and oh my I was so sad I was stuck with Damien".

I laughed at Joss as her boyfriend Damien looked over at us "what you talking about me?" I smiled at him playfully "oh we always are" Damien smacked Joss and I's head before returning back to the game. "Hey Luna can you come with me to concession?" I nodded and followed Joss down the stairs.

"Hey so what's going on with you and Brady?" I rolled my eyes at her "he and I just met, it's not like that" Joss shrugged her shoulders "I dunno the he looks at you and the way you look at him... come on Loons you haven't dated anyone new in forever" "well why do I need to date? Why can't o just be single?" Joss laughed "because a guy like that only comes once, he's like totally obsessed with you" I flipped her off before we went back to Brady and them.

When the game finally ended the six of us ran out of the stadium so we could get to the parking lot first. "Shit Luna we took Damien's car because you said Maddie was dropping y'all off" I shrugged "it's cool, Damien do you care if I sit on someone's lap?" Damien laughed "girl of course not"

"Brady do you care if I sit on your lap?" "No" I nodded and we piled in. "Luna I can sit on Juan's lap if you want" "it's fine Natalia" "Luna we're going to your house real quick right?" I nodded "yes".

I leaned back against Brady and he snakes his arms around my waist holding me tightly. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and I was sure everyone could hear it "Jossyln can I have aux?" She handed me the cord and I played Yale by Ken Carson.

"Hey Brady do you care if I post you?" I almost face palmed myself of course he doesn't care "nah go ahead but make sure I look good" I laughed "that's gonna be kinda hard".

"Hey Brady do you care if I post you?" I almost face palmed myself of course he doesn't care "nah go ahead but make sure I look good" I laughed "that's gonna be kinda hard"

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