Help! I'm stuck on my story. I don't know how to write!

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It is normal to feel overwhelmed by the writing process at time. But if it isn't fun, then is it worth doing? Take a break. Give yourself breaks even if it's a whole month. Then come back to it with fresh eyes. Don't give up (or do, if that's something you've got to do for yourself. But that's a different conversation!). Take a deep breath. Exhale. Feel the weight of your breath. 

Everything's going to be okay. 

Keep writing. 

The good thing is, the way to improve on your writing is to write. You know? The thing you love, the thing that's fun; the thing you hate, the thing you can't live without. 

The bad news is, the only way to improve on your writing is to write. -Sometimes that means writing a BAD story, but writing it to completion and then looking at it and going, okay, what works and what doesn't. What's good about it? And what could be improved upon. Writing is a technical skill that can be learned. But art is innate. You'll be surprised what ideas your mind's eye will get just by looking at a thing and sitting with it. 

Good luck! And happy writing!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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