Makeover | 06

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On your way home, you spend the whole time lost in your thoughts, wondering if you should tell Wendy what they wrote about her in the burn book.

If you didn't tell her, it would be on your mind and you wouldn't be able to sleep, but she has moved from the school, and there's no point bringing it up again; it will just make her feel more sad.

You walk inside and jump when, as soon as you open the door, your mum is standing there, and it scares you. She looks angry. "Where were you?" she asks, her voice stern. It makes you extremely nervous.

"I was at my friend's house." You stutter nervously, and she sighs, "Why didn't you call me?" She asks, and you sigh, "I tried to, but my phone wouldn't work." You admit.

Your mum sighs again, looking down at her feet. "I thought you would say that." She says, You look at her confusedly as she walks away. She comes back minutes later, with something behind her back. " "So I got you this." She says, pulling out a phone from behind her back, that it was the last iPhone.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" You happily say, giving her a big hug, and she smiles at you, loving the sight of seeing you so happy, "Dinner is in an hour, sweetie." She says you nod your head and head upstairs to your room.

You get to your room, and you look around and realise how boring it is compared to Regina's room. You sigh. Sitting down on your bed, you download a few social media accounts and decide to follow a few people from school.

You only had to look up 'Re' to find Regina's account; she had a lot of followers, and she probably wanted to even notice if you followed her, so you weren't expecting a follow back.

You spent 30 minutes slowly scrolling through all her posts; you didn't even realise how deep you were until you came to a photo of her and Janis happily smiling together. You knew that they were once friends, but the sight just looked strange, as you only knew them when they hated each other.

You tried to scroll, but your finger slipped, and you anciently liked the picture. Your heart dropped, and you knew she would still get the notification even if you disliked it.

You knew she probably wouldn't even notice it, but the chance of her seeing it made your heart drop.

"Y/n! Dinner!" You heard your mum call, and you dropped your phone, turning it off, hoping that she didn't see the notification. You make your way downstairs, still having a nervous feeling in your stomach, thinking of how awkward it could be tomorrow if Regina saw the notification.

You walk to the kitchen and smile at the smell of your mum's cooking. She made a delicious pork stir fry. You help her set the table. "So, what friends were you with?" She asks, starting to eat the dinner.

You smile, swallowing the food that you were eating before answering, "Regina, Gretchen, and Karen." She nods, continuing to eat her food. "Also, Gretchen is picking me up tomorrow, so I don't need a lift."

Your mum frowns. "Oh, okay." She sadly says, You slightly feel bad. You reassure her that you'll be safe and promise to text her when you arrive at Regina's house. Your mum smiles, understanding your independence but still worrying about you.

"Want to watch a movie?" You ask, trying to cheer her up, and she smiles brightly. "You go choose one; I'll clean up." You smiled, picking up the dirty plates from the table and starting to clean up. As you load the dishwasher, you can't help but feel grateful for your mum's love and care. You make a mental note to spend more quality time with her in the future.

Once you cleaned up, you headed over to the couch and gasped when you saw the movie that your mum picked. It was Elvis.

You chuckle, knowing that your mum has always been a huge Elvis fan. As the movie starts playing, you settle in next to her, enjoying the time spent together.

The music fills the room, bringing a sense of nostalgia and warmth. You glance over at your mum, her eyes glued to the screen, a content smile on her face. By the time you finished the movie, it was like 11 p.m., and the both of you were tired and ready for bed.

You walked upstairs and set your alarm for 6:30 a.m. so you could be ready for Gretchen to pick you up.

The next morning, you woke up feeling a bit groggy but excited for the day ahead. You groaned at the loud sound of your alarm, forgetting that you had set it so early. You pushed past the annoying feeling and got out of bed.

As you got ready,. You can't help but think about what outfit she will have planned for you. You liked the clothes you were wearing, but you knew your wardrobe needed a change, so you were excited to see what she had in store for you.

Once you had finished packing your bag, you heard the car continuously honk. You bid your mum goodbye and left, smiling when you saw Gretchen and Karen in the car.

"Hey." You say so happily, jumping into the back seat. Gretchen takes a good look at your outfit and sighs, her eyes falling back to look in front of her. "I'm glad Regina is getting you new clothes." You sigh, knowing that she was trying to be judgemental, but it was hard for her without a leader by her side.

You got to Regina's house, and you felt nervously excited to see what outfit Regina had chosen for you. The girls make you walk up Stairs first, and you panic because you're not sure if you'll remember where Regina's room is.

You eventually make it, and when you open the door, you are greeted with Regina, standing there dressed in dark washed, low rise denim jeans and a take top that made her body look amazing. Wait a minute, why are you looking at her tits?

"You made it!" Regina said happily, walking up to you like she wanted to give you a hug, but she never did. "I have the perfect outfit for you; wait one moment." She says, rushing off to her closest to grab your outfit.

It was a baby blue tank top, paired with a black cardigan and a white skirt. She showed it to you with a bright smile on your face. "You can't wear this with the pink shoes I gave you, so I got you some white ones." She handed you the outfit. "Go Change." She smiled.

You walk to her bathroom and change into the outfit that she gave you. Once you changed, you looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled at how good it looked on you. The only problem was the skirt; it was a little short for your liking, so you pulled it down, hoping that it could cover your body.

As soon as you walked out, you were pulled into Regina's vanity mirror. She did your makeup and hair again, the same way that she did it yesterday. "Lip stick or gloss?" She asked, holding up both in front of you, "Stick." You answer.

She puts down the lipstick and moves closer to apply the lip-gloss.

"Why did you even ask if you were going to choose yourself?" You ask, your voice laced with a small giggle. She giggles back at you slightly, moving closer again. She was glancing down at your lips, and you were looking into her eyes. You couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach at how close she was.

She leaning back when she was done applying it, she licked her lips, satisfied with her work,

"Wow, you look..." She sighed, looking at you up and down. "Hot."

She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and took a few pictures with you, "What's your Instagram?" She asked, you sighed in relief, so she didn't see the notification.

You tell her account and she quickly follows you back before uploading a picture of the two of you to her story, tagging you.

"You never tag me when you post pictures of me!" Gretchen whines, the tall blonde turns to her friend, "Gretchen, zip it" Regina said, Gretchen quickly shuts up.

You look at the time on your phone, and you gasp when you see that it's 9:02 a.m. Time goes by so quickly. "Um, We are late.." You nervously say, the three girls look back at you, they say nothing they just stare at you silently, before looking back and walking downstairs.

New Girl: Regina George Where stories live. Discover now