(1) Clawd Wolf: Best Friends Brother🍋

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Clawd laid on his bed, his eyes closed and his mind focusing hard. What would've been muffled whispers to anyone else was heard very clearly to Clawd, as he listened through the wall beside him and into the next room.

Clawdeen's room, to be exact.

But why listen in to Clawdeen?

The answer was simple: you were having a sleepover with her.

Clawd had crushed on you for years throughout elementary and middle school, but when high school came around, his little crush had turned into full-blown obsession.

But, of course, he couldn't tell you that.

So, instead, he listened to your conversations with Clawdeen. Instead, he stalked your social media. Instead, he stalked you and took sneaky pictures. Instead, he seriously injured your last boyfriend and threatened any other potential candidates.

He was just doing what was necessary. Especially since he didn't have the confidence to talk to you outside of your friendship with Clawdeen.

Clawd huffed and rolled his eyes at the mention of a boys name. He hated when you talked about other men. The jealousy in him was too much for him to handle.

Finally having enough of your conversation, he stood to his feet and stood in the mirror. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he stalked to Clawdeen's room.

Clawd slammed the door open, startling you and causing a small yelp to exit your throat. Clawdeen crossed her arms and raised a brow, annoyed by his antics. He only interrupted her sleepovers when you were around, and she was getting tired of it.

You felt your heart slowly calm itself, setting its pattern back on track.

Clawdeen huffed in annoyance. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm ordering pizza." He stated. "I need you to pick it up."

"Why me? I don't even have a car."

"Because I don't want to go."

"Then guess you're not getting pizza, are you?"

Clawd bit his lip in contemplation. Finally, he came up with a new idea. "Fine, I'll drive you. But you have to go in to get the pizza AND you have to wait for it."

"Um, no!" Clawdeen replied.

You stayed silent during their sibling quarrel, finding it best not to interrupt from previous situations.

"I'll buy you alcohol." He offered.

Clawdeen stayed silent, contemplating the offer. "Fine." She replied. "But you also have to roll us a blunt."

He scoffed. "Are you serious? Fuck no."

Clawd met your eyes. You quickly looked away, not wanting to be dragged into their issue. Clawdeen took note of his stare, and she formed a brilliant plan to get what she wanted.

"(Y/N), would you like to smoke tonight?" She asked, turning to you.

Your eyes widened. "I, um, I mean sure, but like I don't have anything, a-and you don't have to give me anything. I don't want to take advantage of you guys!" You stammered. "I-If we don't have anything then it's totally fine!"

Clawd groaned. "Fine! I'll roll you both one, and I'll buy alcohol. But since YOU want the weed, Clawdeen, YOU get to run in the pizza place, and (Y/N) gets to go liquor shopping with me."

Clawdeen smiled triumphantly. "Thank you, big brother."

You helped Clawd and Clawdeen haul in the bags and boxes from the car. As soon as everything was set out on the table, Clawd rushed to his room and slammed the door shut. You gave Clawdeen a quizzed look, but she shrugged and returned to her task of opening the bottles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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