(1) Howleen Wolf: Loner 🍋

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You stared at your notebook in boredom, tracing the lines of the paper with your eyes as you sat through another math class. After a few seconds, you peeked at your phone, which was hidden under your thigh in the seat. The time displayed on your screen displeased you, and you shut off your device before rolling your eyes.

Howleen stifled a giggle as she stared at you from across the room. She, too, was far too bored with the class, and she found her entertainment from watching you. You had the cutest expressions, she just couldn't help herself!

No one else paid you any mind, but Howleen didn't care about that. She actually preferred it. She didn't know how she'd react to someone else watching you.

Lucky for her, you never seemed interested in talking to or befriending anyone. You stayed on your own, just like Howleen wanted. If you didn't, then there would be bigger chances of someone else taking you from her, and Howleen didn't play with what belonged to her.

Well, not that you belonged to her yet, but you would eventually, and she didn't want any interference.

She wanted things to happen naturally. She wanted the relationship to bloom from common interests and dates and romance. But you were just as skittish from Howleen as you were everyone else, which definitely put a hold on Howleens plan to whisk you away into a fairytale marriage.

You just didn't want to talk to anyone, and as much as Howleen told herself she understood, it still planted the seed of doubt in her head. Maybe she did have to be more aggressive. Maybe she did have to take things into her own hands. If she didn't, she would risk never getting you!

The dismissal bell sounded loudly through the building, shocking Howleen back to reality. Her eyes rushed to find you, but your usual seat was empty.

"Dammit!" She cursed, and she scrambled to shove all her belongings in her bookbag before running through the hallways to find you.

Howleen shoved students out of her way as she ran. You were very easy to lose, as you slipped in and out of the hallways quickly and effortlessly.

She took a deep breath in, trying to catch your scent from anywhere around her. She failed, and she turned to the direction your locker was in. As she approached it, she took another deep inhale. Still no sign of you.

Howleen groaned in frustration and began her run again. She would find you, she had to. There was no way she'd let you get away!

As Howleen scanned the area, a strong perfume scent overwhelmed her, with familiar underlying scents. She whipped her head around. You were close to that perfume smell, she knew it.

Howleens eyes locked on a black haired monster. (H/C) hair peeked out from behind the ghoul, and Howleen felt a grin spread across her face. She had found you.

As Howleen stepped towards the ghoul, your figure became more and more clear to her. You were standing directly infront of her, chatting with the black haired monster as if it were nothing. Howleen came to a stop. What were you talking about? Why were you talking to this ghoul, who very obviously wasn't Howleen?

Her stomach began to turn in disgust, then rage, then jealousy. Her face contorted in anger at the sight. What was so special about this other ghoul?? Why did you want her, but not Howleen???

No, absolutely not. Howleen would not stand for this! Something had to change....

You smiled at the ghoul infront of you as she rambled about a party she had been invited to. You didn't mind listening, as she was one of the few you actually interacted with throughout the day. You didn't mind being on your own, either. It was beneficial, you thought. No distractions, no drama, just you.

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