Chapter Twenty

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Sorry guys, updates might be a little slow for a little while. New story coming soon that I am writing with the fabulous Daughter-OfPoseidon So please bare with me. And go read this AOT/SNK fanfiction called "Jumping Ships" if you're into anime and/or SNK!! It's by NiPpEl_nInJa and she's a new writer, so if you could go support her by voting and give her feedback that would be cool!!

I sat on my bed staring at the picture.
It has been a very long time sense of seen Jeb, and when I say a very long time, I mean a very very long time.

Maybe five years?

I laid the picture frame on my night stand and just looked at it, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Jeb was my father, but he lost all fatherly privileges when he left on a week long "working trip" and didn't come back.

He left everything behind. Me, my mom, his life, (my sister and I were from different dads) and he never even sent child care. At least if he did I didn't know of it.

A knock came at the door.


Fang opened the door and came in, walking over to my bed a silent and smooth as a shadow.

"Hey, who was the box from?" He asked.

"Jeb." He nodded and silence fell over us, but I wasn't awkward, he might of been but I wasn't.

"What did his other letters day?" I shook my head, telling him silently that I really didn't want to talk about it.
Fang came up beside me on the bed and laid down.

"You know, I like the band a lot better now that you guys are here." He mumbled.

I smiled, "I like that we can all be together again."

He stroked my hair and we sat there in the comfort of the silence, but obviously the silence couldn't last forever.

A loud crash came from downstairs and then the sound of running came down the hall and Gazzy burst in my door.
"Dylan's sister is in the hospital and its urgent!"

Fang and I both sprang up off the bed and ran out of the room and headed for the coatrack. Nobody was speaking, but we all knew that getting to the hospital was the most important thing at the moment, and we would to anything to get there.

Joe hustled us into the limo and told him to get to the hospital ASAP.

Dylan's family lived in the next town over, and it happened to be a very small country town with no hospital, only a small clinic, so his sister had been rushed to the hospital nearest to her, which was here.

Dylan rubbed his hands on his jeans and looked out the window.

I rubbed his shoulder and Nudge tried to tell him jokes to make him feel better, but it wasn't working.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot, Dylan didn't wait for us to find a parking spot. We were still moving when he opened the door and jumped out, sprinting for the hospital.

All of us were right behind him, jumping out of a moving vehicle.

What good role models we are.

Fang was carrying Angel and Iggy had Gazzy on his back.

The two of them were tiered, and why wouldn't they be? I mean it was really late and they would usually be in bed for about an hour by now.

Dylan had already ran off into the depths of the building and I approached the receptionist.

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