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Novas pov

I woke up the next morning and i caught a glimpse of the time on my phone it was 5:45, i knew i wasnt going to go back to sleep so i started getting ready for school taking my time this morning and i will head to the bakery and see Lorena, ive missed speaking with Lorena she would always give me amazing advice about what i needed to hear

It was 7:30 when i finished getting ready and i made my way to Lorenas cafe, i lit a cigarette on my way there and i noticed there was a bunch of paparazzi following me so i quickened my pace hoping to get them off my tail, i knew they had taken pictures of me smoking but i dont really care Scarlett and Lizzie both know i am smoking again

When i finally get there, 2 men are still following me and i hear the sound of flashes i made my way inside the cafe and hoped they wasnt going to come in but they were about to come in with me until Lorena noticed them

"Get out of my cafe i dont care if you want pictures of her leave her alone" i hear Lorena shouting blocking the door and i hear them both mumble a few things before leaving and i just hoped and prayed that they wouldnt be waiting when i had to leave

"Hello Nova its lovley to see you again how was LA?" Lorena asked as she came over and hugged me, she kissed the top of my head before cupping my face and looking at me "You have grown so much Nova its been quiet here without you" and i smiled at her

"Well i am 15 now Lo and i knew you would miss your favourite customer too much" i tell her and she laughs before she tells me she will be back with my usual order, i have missed coming here it is so peaceful and i feel like i can think clearly here, i completely forgot about the whole situation with Scarlett until Lorena took me over to our corner and started asking me how the whole experience in LA was and i told her all about the fun times on set and everything

"Lorena i need some advice" i say playing with my rings on my fingers "Yes of course dear" she tells me taking one of my hands and squeezes it

"You know how i went to LA i was staying with my co star Scarlett the one who came to the cafe last time i was here and she helped me through alot and the day before i was leaving to come back here i heard her whispering that i called her mom in my sleep and it made me think she wouldnt ever want to be my mom anyways because lets face it who would want a 15 year old girl who was abandoned and left but then she called me explaining everything and she told me she thought of me like a daughter and her and her husband were wanting to adopt me but they felt bad from taking me away from my life here" i spill to her and her facial expression does not change until i finished talking which is what i loved about Lorena, no matter what she was the only one who didnt look at me with pity when i talk to her

"Okay that was alot, first of all it sounds like they want you Nova i know you have been by yourself most of your life but they seem to really care for you sweetheart and if you are worried about leaving your life here then you could always come and visit here, think about this Nova dont shut it all down because you are too scared of all these sudden feelings, they show that you care and deep down you want to stay with them" Lorena exclaims and i nod taking in her words, Lorena always knows how to say the right things in these cases

"But she lives in LA and sometimes New York, i know i dont have much to look forward here but it is just a part of me that i dont want to have to give away" i explain to her

"If you lived with them Novie it wouldnt be taking here away from you because that part of you will always be inside of you, you may not have much to look forward here i know but i know you have been happy there i got my grandson to help me get instagram and i saw your pictures i can see there is another side of you that you discovered when you were there, dont give that up because you are scared" Lorena tells me which she makes me cry and it makes me realise being with them was the only time i have felt truly happy but ive gone and ruined it all because i ignored everyone and i still havent texted anyone

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