Talk not argue

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Novas pov

Yesterday most of the cast finished at 12 and we were expected back on set early again which i wanted to sleep but i was so excited to be filming the movie because i know in a few months i will be back to my normal life and i only have to come back to LA for the interviews and premiere

I was in my trailer again for my lunch break and i was meant to be doing my schoolwork and it had been a week since i have started filming the movie and i haven't done any of the school work the tutor had been giving me and i only attended the lessons where i just zone out anyways

I only attend the lessons because it is online and i have to switch my camera and mic on all the time and Scarlett or Lizzie always come in my trailer to check if im actually online but they dont know i skip the emails with the actual assignments and i am not going to tell them

I walk out of my trailer and in the direction of the cast room and i go and sit with my fellow british friends and me and Florence are talking about what we wish we could eat from the UK right now

"I am really craving a sunday roast right now" Florence tells me and i am nearly drooling thinking about it

"Fuck me yes i love a sundays roast or shepherds pie" i tell her and of course Chris appears raising his eyebrow at me

"Piss off Evans you are a snake anyways" i tell him before before going back to the conversation me and Flo was having and we were all interrupted by the door getting slammed open and the two scary ladies storming in with their eyes locked on mine

"oh shit" i whispered and i could see Chris sniggering next to me and i nudged him to tell him to shut up

"What did you do now Nova" Florence bends down and whispers in my ear and i respond quickly telling her it was probably about the missing assignments and she laughed and then all of a sudden they both were standing over me

"Nova you are in big trouble" Scarlett said and i can see the steam coming from her ears and i look over to Chris who is also looking pretty scared so i figured the best option is for me to run but the scary ladies were blocking me in standing in-front of the couch

"What have i done this time guys?" i ask sighing resting my head on Florences shoulder

"Get up we are not having this conversation in front of everyone" Scarlett tells me but i stay seated where i was not caring about the lecture i was about to yet

"Im fine here" i tell them crossing my arms they cant force me to do anything i dont want to do and i see the shocked faces of everyone around us and i see Scarletts face go red with anger as well as Lizzies

"Im not telling you again Nova come with us all you have to do is just listen" Lizzie said trying to convince me to come with them but i dont want to go as they will be more mad but i dont care because after filming finishes in a few months i wont have to see them again

"And im telling you no i dont have to listen to anything you tell me to do" i tell them before shutting my eyes hinting at i dont want to talk any more but the scary ladies would never give up and they just continue to stand there looking down at me

"We are not doing this again Nova you always try to argue instead of just talking about your feelings and it is not healthy at all" Scarlett said and i just remained silent and then i heard shuffling around the room which meant that they had obviously told the rest of the cast to leave but Florence was still here because i was resting on her shoulder and i felt Chris still sitting next to me

"Look we are having this conversation whether you like it or not Nova you tell us all the time you dont want people looking after you and you are capable of doing it yourself but the way you are acting it doesnt seem like it at all skipping all your assignments and telling us you have done them is not acceptable " Scarlett said staring me down again and its just like something inside me snapped

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