Maths trouble

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Novas pov

It was another day in the same shitty school, only 3 days left and then i wont have to see this shithole for many months until i finish filming, i had spoken to my landlord and told him that i wasnt going to be here for a few months but i was still going to be paying the rent on the place otherwise where would i go when i come back

This morning i woke up later and only got into the school at 11:45 which also lead to Scarlett blowing up my phone, i knew i had to stay in school today because i had come in when there i was only lunch and 2 more lessons left and to top that off Scarlett said she would be waiting for me outside which i couldnt wait for (not)

At lunch, Alexa and Harry was going on and on about how i was going to become a famous actress and i dont think i am going to be, it feels that i only got this job offer because they felt bad for me that i am 14 and am basically alone, i could see the looks of pity when i had a screaming match to my birth giver on the phone when i first met them

Then after lunch i made it too my next lesson and looked at my timetable and i wanted to leave, i came in half way through the day i should have just taken the day off because even though i have Thursday and Friday in school i am skipping on Friday to pack for LA and im going to get some new clothes in the shopping centre but i dont want to tell Scarlett about it because she will go on and on about how i should go to school because its my last day blah blah blah

I stepped into the worst class on earth,and made my way to the back of the class like i usually do waiting for Harry to come in, hoping that he would hurry up because Mr Sully was here and he was looking at me, i know this class would end badly because it always does when i have maths class

The bell rang and the lesson started, thats one thing that Mr sully cant moan at me for because for once i was not late which i know from the little smirk he gave me that we was going to find something to get me in trouble

30 minutes later and he gave us some worksheets and i completed them actually under standing what we was doing in this lesson finally because normally i do just copy from Harry and Mr Sully knows this and gives me detention, but me and Harry both finished and was just taking about how tomorrow was my last day which i was glad about but i was going to miss my friends because they are the only family i really have and i dont know what i am going to do without them because i will be in a completely different country

I was just minding my own business until i heard a tap on the table that Harry and i was sitting on and i knew that this is when i was going to start an argument and he knew i couldnt keep my mouth shut so he does it on purpose

"Nova have you completed the work?" He asked and i nodded my head then he grabbed the worksheet from my desk and looking at all the answers before turning back to me and Harry with his eyebrow raised

"Harry did she copy these answers from you" he asked my best friend and that made me pissed off because he was acting like i was so dumb that i couldnt do any work on my own but my best friend shook his head and told him no

"Harry do not lie to me, do not let Nova copy your answers you are better than this young man" and when i heard him say that something inside me snapped

"What is your problem with me, i am capable of doing the fucking work when you teach properly, stop acting like im some dumb fuck and if you want to ask a question about me dont fucking say it in front of my face" i say standing up, i was incredibly pissed and my nails dug deeper into the palm of my hand, i looked down to see blood dripping from them because i was pushing down too hard

"Get out of my room now Nova and go to Mr Bedford im not having you speak to me like that, i am not one of your little friends that you can speak to like that" he said getting up all in my face and i just decided to grab my bag and start to walk out but not before finishing the conversation and having the last word because i always have the last word

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