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A/N: Alright well so this has morphed into a short story at this point lol I'm just flowing here okie 🤣🤲🏾🥲 I hope you all enjoy this installment? Yeah lol

543 A.D
Silla Dynasty

Sounds of exertion for the fourth time that day drifted out into the halls. Some gathered to listen, others kept to their work, not wanting to suffer the wrath of the King should they be discovered. Soon, the sounds died down and all was quiet again. Inside, a woman wasted no time in climbing off of him and slipped into a robe, tying it closed.

"You get better and better as time passes, Liya." She chose silence.
"All you needed was to be broken in, that's all." Lazy hands grabbed at her.
"You even with a little training suck cock much better than before."
"I am flattered that you are pleased with my service, my King." Teeth grinned and let the mouse scurry away, starting to dress himself.
"I'll call for you again tonight."
"Yes, my King." In farewell, he reached around and fondled her breasts on the way out and she released the breath that had been building the moment the doors shut. Lifting empty eyes, she dared to look at herself in the mirror, a splendid and expensive gift from the King. She reached upward to touch her face and felt her chest swell with a deep sadness. She didn't even look like herself anymore. Now, she was no different than the rest of the whores he played with to bide his time. A quiet rasp on the door drew her attention from her reflection.
"Liya, it's time for your medicine." She recognized the voice of the infirmary maid and with a sigh, got up. Opening the door, she smiled dryly.
"Thank you Yoon." The older woman smiled, watching as instructed as she drank the tea. Placing it back onto the tray, Yoon bowed and the door was slid back shut.
Sitting back at her vanity, she took a wide tooth comb and began to comb her hair. An entire year had passed since she'd been been here in this revolving hell. It had been the longest year of her life and to think that she had to spend the rest of her life here left rot did turn her mood. So, today, she wouldn't think too much on it. Instead, she'd get dressed and get some fresh air. Outside there was the smallest chance that she could at least lie to herself and make herself believe that she was free.

Products for her hair were scarce and hard to come by so she would often send a servant into the seller's market. Told to go to one place in particular, she always followed instructions and came back with just what she needed. For now though while she waited for her return, she wet the strands and began to three-strand twist. Funny that today out of all days, all things considered, she felt like singing.
She hadn't sang anything for so long that she honestly thought she forgot how. There was nothing good to sing about.
"Miss," A voice at the door stopped her hands a second time.
"I am here to help you with dressing."
"You can come in," In stepped a girl, quite young about the face.
"You don't have to call me miss. Please, call me Liya-unnie." The girl gawked at her before bowing her head.
"Yes, Liya-unnie."


Sweat dripped off of him and his muscles neared fatigue but he kept going. Hana. Dul. Hana. Dul. Hana.
"She's so damn pretty."
"I don't know. She's too dark for my taste."
"Yeah, but I hear she's amazing in bed." Dul. Lifting up from his exercise, he came behind the group of young wannabe soldiers.
"If you have time to run your mouth, you have time to do your warm ups." The harsh bark from behind them made them jump.
"T-Taeryong..." Steely monolid eyes glared at them and too frightened to say anything else, the group bowed in farewell and scurried away. With a frustrated sigh, he viewed the topic of their conversation and at once bowed his head as she began to pass. Sweet jasmine and spicy earth wafted across his nose and the swish of her hanbok cut through the air. Only when he was certain that she was gone did he lift his head. Turning on his foot, he returned to training, a very visible scowl on his face.

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