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Katie and I went out together into the pleasant May afternoon. I loved the fact that Seattle wasn't all that far South of where I lived in Norway. I enjoy the long spring and summer days. It's worth the longer winter nights. I suppose it's the opposite for my trollish cousins, since the sun temporarily turns them to stones.

"Got any hot plans on your days off?" Katie asked.

Katies is fascinated by my lack of drinking and dating. "You want to make me as dissolute as you are," I said.

"I know you grew up in a very strict family, but that doesn't mean you can't do normal things now that you're here in America, land of freedom." She spread her arms wide, embracing the air."

"I'm taking it slow. I'm watching rom-coms and going to other coffee shops to observe couples in their natural environment."

She giggled and slapped my arm. "The offer still stands of a double date with me, Fergus, and his cousin, John."

My parents greatest fear when they let me move to the US, was that I would marry a human. I agreed with them. I don't want to lose my long life and health. On the other hand, there weren't a lot of options for partners besides humans. Maybe I could ask Alo about other supernatural entities living in and near Seattle. What would it be like to date a Sasquatch?

"The first step would be to meet his cousin John. I'm not going to eat an awkward dinner while you and your boyfriend coo at each other. Have you met this John?" I asked.

"You are way too practical, girl. I'll see you on Wednesday."

Kenna and Alo waited for me at the front gate of the Locks. In May it is at the height of it's spring display. There are varieties of plants that I never knew existed. Not may rhododendrons, camellias, or even roses in Norway when the men locked us away. I breathed in the sweet smells as we walked to a bench on the side of the canal.

There were not a lot of people there on a Monday afternoon. The tourists who were there watched the boats loading into the locks or wandered to the fish ladder to see if they could view any salmon.

"Kenna says you think I want to trick you somehow," Alo said. "Where do you get this idea?"

"I read the stories before I came here. I wasn't sure whether the native powers were still strong enough to manifest. Raven is a trickster like Loki in many of them."

"You shouldn't believe everything you read, young lady. Raven plays tricks, but he also helps his people."

"So does Loki," Kenna pointed out. "Despite recent rumors to the contrary, Loki helped the Gods as much as he hurt them."

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