Raven Dream

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I stood on the deck of a longboat like the one my grandfather had taken me on when I was a little girl. We sailed the dark seas of Underhill. I looked up to the blue sky and down to the green seas. The captain was Frode.

"The winds are with us, child," he said. "Perhaps we will find the treasure we seek."

I nodded and peered across the water. There was a sail in the distance. I knew it meant danger as well as reward. I had a sword on my hip. I prayed we would reach the princess before our enemies did. A harsh cry came from above and I saw a dark shape in the sky. It came closer. It was a raven.

"A sign of ill luck," Frode growled and raised his right hand. He aimed a crossbow at the bird.

I placed a hand on his arm. "Wait, Captain, it might also be a messenger from the Gods. What if Odin is sending us a message?"

The raven laughed a harsh laugh. "I'm not working for old one-eye. I'm more of a free agent. You can call me Alo. I've come here to ask you a question."

I could see the waves through his feathers. "And what might that be, spirit bird?"

"You ask for his blessing," Alo gestured with a wing at Frode, "when he's only been here a few short decades, but you never ask for ours. Why is that? What's your excuse, girl?"

"Who are you that we should ask for your blessing?"

"Me? I'm Raven. Surely you've heard of me?"

I thought for a moment and said, "A Trickster, like Loki."

Alo shook his head. "Don't compare me to that one. He's mostly harmful, while I'm mostly helpful. The native powers here want your acknowledgement. That's all. I'll be coming to talk to you in person. I hope you're willing to do me a favor."

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