Mute (a Louis Tomlinson)

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Emily P.O.V.

So this is me. Emily Elizabeth Horan, yes i said Horan. Niall is my cousin on my mum's side. i dont think he knows about me though, come to think of it i don't think anyone knows about me really. of course, my parents should, but do they? No, they died when i was 7. they went shopping, with me, one day. they got involved in a shooting at the shopping centre. i survived by hiding behind my parents bodies. and that is why i haven't talked for 11 years. not even a peep.

i keep a diary. here is today's entry:

dear diary,

the old hag hasn't left me alone at all today. today she has made me clean the whole house from top to bottom, walk the dogs and wash her hands and feet. once all that was done i had to cook dinner (spaghetti bolognase). i then had to do my normal chores before Billy came home.

Billy did it again tonight, he said that he that if i don't say anything, he would punish me. but seeing as i havent spoken in 11 years, he resorted to punishing me.

i have bruises and cuts from previous nights, now fresh ones are starting to show. he has never taken it to the extreme and taken my innocence but one day im sure he will loose his rag!



i didnt say before did I? Billy is my dad's brothers and the old hag is his wife (Agatha)

anyway i am starting to feel tired now, i had better go to sleep ready for the early wake up i get from my 'auntie and uncle'


Author's note

thanks for reading and i apologise to anyone who has the name Billy or Agatha. I just thought of those two names off the top of my head, i didnt mean anything by it :)

Keep reading xxx

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