Chapter Six

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(Sorry about the late update, this weeks been pretty busy and I haven't had much time to work on this. I know it's short but I plan on hopefully working on another chapter tonight for you guys. I just wanted to give you guys something to look forward to.) 

Hope everyone has a good long weekend! Enjoy! :)

Loud music was heard along with the laughter from the other people in the house woke Kai as he slowly woke up in the fancy master room.

The soft and bouncy bed beckoned him to linger a little longer, but the distant sounds of music and laughter stirred him from his drowsiness.

As Kai opened his eyes, he couldn't help but marvel at the luxurious surroundings of the room.

The plush bedding, the elegant furnishings, everything was so perfect that he couldn't help but wish he could live in a room like this every day.

A contented sigh escaped his lips as he sat up, feeling the warmth of the room enveloping him like a comforting embrace.

It was then that he noticed a blanket draped over his shoulders, the source of his cozy warmth. He chuckled to himself, wondering if one of the others had tucked him in while he slept.

With a shake of his head, Kai rose from the bed and stretched his arms above his head, relishing the satisfying cracks that were heard from his back.

He took one last glance around the room, a small smile playing on his lips, before making his way towards the door.

The heavy door shut behind him with a soft click, a stark contrast to its size.

Kai made his way through the hallways, the sounds of laughter and chanting growing louder as he approached the source.

Entering the living room, Kai was greeted by a scene one would describe as chaos. One of the others was goofing off on a bike, while everyone else was chatting or relaxing, most sipping or chugging some sort of drink.

As Kai walked further into the room, the one that had been named Peter, noticed him.

"So how's the kid?" he asked while sitting down, sipping a drink.

Kai thought about whether it was alcoholic or not before actually remembering he was asked a question and was expected to answer unlike from his old gang.

"Um, she's good right now. I checked on her a few hours ago and went exploring so that's why I was gone." kai said

He shifted from one foot to the other. He hated when everyone's eyes were on him, he felt like they were all silently judging him and it made him want to shrivel up and curl into a ball.

'Peter' nodded and everyone looked away to continue their conversations.

Kai thought about it for a minute. When they took the girl the father was walking into the building. Who was the father?

"Um, hey guys?" kai said nervously as he tried to get everyone's attention

"Does anyone know who the girl's dad is?" he asked

A bunch of murmured 'no's' and shakes of head answered his question

"Well, if her father was coming home right when we took her... don't you think he would have come looking for her by now? It's been a few hours.." kai said nervously

The others all agreed and looked confused as they thought.

"Her dad probably is looking for her, and we have no way of knowing anything without our phones." 'Peter' said

Kai couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not quite right. While Peter's logical explanation about the father and their lack of phones made sense to everyone else, Kai couldn't dismiss his nagging doubts.

He couldn't help but question why the girl's father wasn't doing everything in his power to find her, like don't you think that if the dad was really looking for her he would be throwing his money around to anyone he could think of to find her.

Like why would he be offering a reward for information.

And if he did offer a reward, why wouldn't Lambert, who seemed to be in desperate need of money, take the opportunity to cash in by revealing her whereabouts?

Ehhh, 'Peter' is probably right anyways, kai's just looking into this too much.

Kai nodded and watched as Peter walked off into the hallway Kai had just come from. As Peter walked away, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Kai furrowed his brows seeing this wasn't it supposed to be only him who the girl saw? Kai stood up slowly.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back" he said quickly, the blond just shouted an "okay", everyone else not even noticing him as he walked off to follow 'Peter'. 

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