Chapter Five

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Kai walked the hallways trying to remember where he put the little girl.

Eventually he saw the room and sighed in relief as he walked up to the door.

The door was tall and it looked old, and Kai loved it. He always had a thing for vintage items, or old things. Kai especially liked this mansion, manor whatever you called it. Sighing he lifted up his hand towards the door.

He knocked in case she was awake so she would know he was in there, since she was blindfolded she wouldn't be able to see him.

He walked in after waiting a few seconds. 

He grabbed the door handle and twisted it open. The door made a creaking noise which would have been creepy if he wasn't the one opening the door. 

Kai shrugged to himself slightly before remembering why he was in the room. He looked at the little girl as he heard her voice and some shuffling.

"What's happening?" A little voice asked as the cuffs rattled slightly as the girl shifted to turn her body to sit up and face Kai.

Kai looked at her cautiously for a minute before sighing remembering that she was blindfolded and had cuffs on. 

"How are you holding up? I can't tell you much, other than that we kidnapped you and are holding you here till your dad gives us lots of money. But we won't hurt you, well at least I won't and I'm sure the others won't. I will try to keep you safe though if that helps any!" He said as he sat on the bed beside her.

Kai tapped the girl's arm gently to let her know he was beside her, trying to make the situation less scary, although Kai knew it wouldn't help much. But it's the thought that counts right?

Back to the little girl, Kai looked up at her as she whimpered slightly, shrinking away from his touch. Kai pulled his hand back not wanting to scare her.

"Where am I? Who are you?" The little girl says, her voice quivering and full of fear.

Kai notices her body is trembling slightly and he tries to think of a way to make the situation less scary.

"Oh! I can take off your blindfold if that would help?" he asks. 

Seeing her nod he reaches toward her head, untying the knot and throwing the blindfold across the room, it landed on the floor somewhere behind them. Kai looked back but shrugged before looking back at her.

He waves at the girl while smiling and scooting back to give her some space. He holds back a yawn and takes a mental note to find a bed to sleep in after he leaves the girl.

"To answer your questions I can't give you my name... but you can call me Finny! And all you need to know is that you're safe!" Kai says with a little more enthusiasm then he meant to give her. 

The girl's eyes were wide as she looked around before looking at Kai. She looked him up and down before nodding her head ever so slightly, almost judging him. Kai actually had to hold back the urge to squirm as she stared at him. 

"Finny? You don't look like a Finny..." she said in her little voice, kai had to hold back the urge to squeal at the cuteness.

"It's just my code name hehe. But I was strictly told not to tell you... sorry, "Kai said sadly.

He really wanted to tell the girl his name. 

He looked at her and noticed the slight red marks on her wrists. Kai's face fell at the marks and he immediately looked worried.

"Do those hurt? Want me to take them off?" he said, worried that her wrists would get cut

The girl nodded and looked slightly relieved at his statement. Kai leaned over again and used the key he had to unlock them, once again throwing them across the room like the blindfold. Jumping when they hit a mirror and shattered.

Kai winced "oops" he said giggling slightly as he looked at the girl who was wide eyed. A small smile broke on her face as she giggled as well.

Kai was immediately filled with happiness and pride at being able to get a small smile and a laugh out of the girl. Kai 1 everyone else 0. Hehe 

Kai thought about what to talk to her about.

"So... how old are you? I just turned 17 last week, hehe, i'm so old now" kai said losing focus on the conversation slightly before zoning back in.

"12... My name Abigail" she said as she sat up more, kai assumed to get more comfortable.

"Thats neat!" Kai said. He liked the name Abigail, it was sweet when talking to a kid but also mature when talking to an adult. It also had many nicknames. Kai was excited

Kai heard talking and remembered he also had to meet the others at some point... and look for a nice bed to nap in.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you be for now, since I have to go check on something. But I'll be back later, okay?" Kai said while getting up from the bed, he stood up and waved to Abigail.

Abigail smiled sweetly at him "Kai?"

"Hm? What's up?" he said, turning back around to face her.

"I'm sorry about what's going to happen to you..." She said before laying down and rolling away to face the other direction.

Kai was confused at her sentence but shrugged it off for little kids being little kids.


Kai walked out of the room, he shut the door gently, not wanting to break it and locked it behind him. He looked around at the hallways trying to remember how to get back to the others. He could hear them talking slightly but it was coming from both directions.

"Hmmm" kai hummed as he decided to go right, since right was always right.

He opened every door he passed, wanting to see anything cool. He found a kitchen, living room, library, 3 different bedrooms and a bathroom. He huffed as he took another right, only to see a dead end with two big wooden doors at the end.

Tilting his head as he looked at the big doors. He smirked before opening the doors.

'Goodness Jesus these are heavy' he thought to himself as he pushed with all his effort against the doors.

They swung open with a long creak. Kai smiled in satisfaction before looking around the room with curiosity.

It looked to be the master bedroom. It was huge

(Something like this)

"Wooha," Kai said in amazement

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"Wooha," Kai said in amazement.

He ran and jumped onto the bed, sighing at its softness. His body just melted right into the bed. The blankets were soft and fluffy, the pillows silky and cool to the touch.

Kai felt a wave of sleepiness hit. 'Eh, a small nap won't hurt right?' he thought as his eyes slowly fluttered shut and his body went limp into the covers.

With him falling asleep so quick he didn't see the little shadow standing in the corner smiling.

The person walked towards the bed and moved Kai's hair from his face, they sighed before grabbing one of the soft blankets and throwing it over him, disappearing like they was never there

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