Chapter 6-"Astro's misery " M

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Lucifer pulled up bedsheets cover and covered Astro

Lucifer pulled up bedsheets cover and covered Astro

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Lucifer 's bedroom.

Lucifer immediately left from there and went toward the prison realm

Lucifer immediately left from there and went toward the prison realm

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Prison realm.

The guard who was eyeing Astro was now in prison .
Lucifer looked at him with fierce eyes and told him
"F***ing piece of sh** how dare you eye on something which is mine you know what EVEN DEATH CAN'T SAVE YOU FROM MY WRATH NOW I WILL GIVE THE MOST HEART WRENCHING DEATH EVER"

Lucifer grabbed his collar and pulled out his eyes with a knife .
He then started breaking his fingers one by one and few seconds of enjoying his screams he took an axe and slit his leg in half and this attack the guard died in a second because his body wasn't able to handle the pain.

"Tsk.. poor one I see hmm heheh " Asmodeus giggled and then asked his brother " Big brother tell me one thing you never killed any guard for looking at your objects but today you just killed this guard with your hand I mean you hated toeven touch then but for this prince you even killed your own guard why??"

This question startled Lucifer for a second but then he ignored his question and left the prison realm and went towards the royal castle

This question startled Lucifer for a second but then he ignored his question and left the prison realm and went towards the royal castle

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