VI | (Name) Laelynn and The Gravity Manipulator

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"Its the first match of the season! We've got Adler dorm Vs Lang dorm! The games already heating up, folks!"
The commentator said through the mic, making the field more lively as the students began cheering for their team.

You watch as the ball was in the Lang's player possession, an Adler's player was about to grab it away, before the ball was passed to another Lang's player. The ball was then thrown towards the ring, giving Lang a point, as the Lang student began cheering.

Although the game had started, you can't help but focus on the boy that was standing still down on the ground, looking up at the other player that was playing the match. Some of the Adler students noticed him, as they began booing and throwing trash at him while telling him to fly to the game already.

"Mash, you need to start flying soon."
You heard Finn said from your left, as he was looking worriedly at Mash.

"What's wrong, Mash?"
Lemon then asks from your right, having the same worried voice as she looks at Mash as well.

"...How did we get here?"
You ask yourself, sweatdropping at Mash who looked like he just wants to go home, as you smile sheepishly.


"When making cream puffs, using warm batter is the key to a mouthful of happiness."
Mash explain to you and Finn, as you hum in respond.

"What about the filling? I don't think I've been able to make a perfect mixture of it."
You ask Mash, as Mash turned to look at you.

After the meeting with Wahlberg yesterday, you, Mash and Finn are now walking down the hallway to the next class, as Mash was explaining how to make the perfect cream puffs.

"You! with the mushroom head!"
Just as Mash were about to answer your question, a hyper voice called out from behind you three, as you look behind you to see who if is.

"How would you like to represent Adler dorm in a duelo match!? You can't spell "Life" without "Fire", so let's burn for all we're worth!"
A one marked senior with light ash-blonde hair come up to Mash, a bright and determined grin on his face as he stood in front of Mash.

"Squeeeee! Omigosh, It's Tom! He was last year's duelo mvp!"
"Obnoxious jocks are usually the worst, but somehow he makes it work!"

Two female students said to your left, as they began fangirling over the senior.

"But who's the fungus head he's talking to?"
"He's so depressing... bet he collects pill bugs at home..."

The girls then commented on Mash appearance, as you saw Mash looking at them, as you smile sheepishly and placed a hand on his shoulder. He turn his head to look at you, looking confuse than anything at the whole situation.

"So, what is duelo? Also, "fire" spells "rife"..."
Mash then ask Tom, now looking at him as you let go of his shoulder.

"We compete using our brooms! It's the number one sport in the magic realm!"
Tom said enthusiastically, his grin never seems to falter.

"A first year playing duelo? That's amazing!"
Finn chimed in as he looks happily at Mash, seeming to be excited about the game as well.

"But I can't ride a broom."
Mash said bluntly as you sweatdrop, knowing they would think he was only trying to be humble.

"Don't be modest! You blew everyone away in class!"
Tom give Mash a friendly pat on his shoulder, though it was quite a strong pat on the shoulder.

"Why are you shouting? Also, I said-"

"The games tomorrow! We're counting in you! Huff huff!"
Tom interrupt Mash, grabbing both his shoulders as his eyes burn with determination.

"But I cant-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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