III | (Name) Laelynn and The Mimic Doll

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"They just marched right through!?"
Said the other shocked examinees that had finish the maze, staring at the three of you in disbelief- Well, mostly you and Mash.

"Sounds like we made it."
Mash said stoically, agreeing with your words as you hum, nodding your head.

"None of them seem happy though."
You whispered to Mash, as you both look at the others shocked expression that slowly turns into anger when they've processed your action.

"Hey! Are they gonna let that slide!?"
"Is that allowed!?"
"No way that's fair!"
"The rest of us did it properly!"

"Go home!"

Everyone began chanting and yelling at your seemingly unfair way, yelling at the both of you for breaking the rules, booing as the examinees gathered around you two.

"I wish I could..."
Mash slump as he hears the other began telling you and him to go home, making you smile sheepishly at him before turning to look at the other mad examinees.

"L-let's calm down for a bit! We didn't break any rules! Professor Lucci never give us any rules in the first place!"
You defend Mash's action on breaking the walls and your action at helping him through with it. They doesn't seem to want to hear any excuses from you, as you began arguing back and forth with the examinees.

"It's not a maze if you can punch your way through it!"

"The Professor didn't stop us from using our magic to help us out though, someone with teleportation or x-ray magic can get out pretty easily."

"But mazes are for getting lost in until you find the exit!"

"Not technically, mazes are for you to practice your problem-solving skill and learn how to strategize so you can get out easily."

"Wait, isn't that a labyrinth?"

"I think it was a maze? Mazes got multiple ways that leads to the same end, while labyrinth have only one right way to get out from."

Your attempt on defending yourself and calming down the others was futile when they just kept yelling for you and Mash to go home. You let out a heavy sigh as they kept chanting, your shoulders slump down in defeat as you lowered you head. You and Mash just stand besides each other in the middle of the angry crowd, hearing the others booing at the two of you.

"P-Please stop this! They're not the ones at fault!"
Lemon cried among the yells and boo's from the others, making them stop their chanting and turn their attention to Lemon, as you and Mash also look at her.

"Don't you dare!"
Lucci suddenly cut her off before she could say anything further, making everyone shut their mouth at the sound of his voice.

"Say another word and you'll regret it! I can still reconsider our deal."
He threaten Lemon, his teeth greeted as he glares at her.

Our deal...?
You stare at Lucci in suspicion, before looking back at Lemon as she began to speak.

"The truth is..."

Lucci yelled at her once again, warning her for the last time as he glares daggers at her. But despite his piercing gaze, Lemon found her voice as she stared at the ground.

"I was told to prevent them from reaching the goal... by Professor Lucci."
She admitted the truth, making everyone dead silent as they stare at her in shock.

"He said he'd let me pass if I slowed down that boy, and waste the girl's magic on me to slowed her down... My family's poor. I was desperate to get into this school for them..."
You stare at Lemon, your eyes softening as you listen to her reasoning.

•~{ Strong or Weak }~• Mash Burnedead x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now