I | (Name) Laelynn and The Unique Boy

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"Five of those cookies please!"
You said to the baker with a smile, he gives you a nod before grabbing a bag and placing five vanilla cookies with strawberry jelly on the inside. The top cookie were cut off in a shape of a heart, making the strawberry jelly on display in a cute and pretty design.

The city seems lively as usual as you look around the street. The ice cream seller doing tricks with the ice cream, a bartender filling up the wine glass with their magic, some people buying new wands at a nearby store while some trying out new clothes.

"That reminds me, I should buy that jacket."
You said to yourself with a hum, remembering how you've ruined your mother's jacket one time when you were practicing your magic inside of your house.

"I'll take seven of the special."

You suddenly heard a monotone voice besides you, making you look to the side to find a boy a bit taller than you. He seems like he's around your age, but since he's wearing a hood on, it's hard to really look at his face.

"Sure thing."
The baker said, asking his coworker to pack up the boy's order. The baker handed you your order, you took it from his hand with a smile.

"Thank you!"
You said, rummaging through your pocket before giving the baker 4 coins. You see the baker then gives the boy his order, he took it, and took out 3 folded coins, making you and the baker surprised.

"Oops, guess I fold them from my excitement."
The boy said nonchalantly, looking at the coins as well, before reaching out towards them.

Fold them? Is that his magic?
You wondered, looking as the boy taking the coins back from the baker.

"My bad, let me fix them."
The boy said, grabbing both ends of the coin, before folding them back to its normal shape, making the baker let out a surprise "EEKKK!??!?" while you stared at the coins, impressed.

"Woah! Is that your magic?"
You ask the boy as he fold the rest of the coins back to its normal shape, he turned his head to the side, looking at you.

"No, that's my strength."
He said nonchalantly, as your eyes shines brighter at his words.

"That's even cooler!"
You said, amazed by his strength. He just stared at you for a second, before looking back at the baker and handing him the fixed coins.

"Thank you so much."
Said the boy. Just after he said that, a pebble suddenly fly up on top of his head, making the hood of his cloak to be knock off, showing his face. His bright yellow eyes stood out from his dark black hair, but what stands out more is his facial feature... more like what he lacks of.

"You... don't have a...?"
You said in shock, as the baker asks the same thing, staring at the boy in shock. The boy look at the baker, then turned his emotionless face to look at you, seeming confused. The whole crowd suddenly went silent, before whispering to themselves while staring at the boy.

This is bad...
You thought, before grabbing the boy by his sleeve and waving at the baker.

"Thank you!"
You thank the baker again, dragging the boy along with you as you smile at everyone you passed by.

"Where are you taking me?"
The boy asks, before suddenly stopping on his track as he stood still. You give a tug on his sleeve, though it didn't really make him budge or anything.

"Quick question, have anyone told you to never go out to the city?"
You ask him with an uncertain smile. He look to the side, seeming to think about it, before nodding his head.

"Pops always told me. But I really want these goblin cream puffs."
He said stoically, raising the bag of cream puffs in front of him. You sweatdrop at his reasoning.

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