🩶🤍 🗝️ Unexpected Visitor (Mr. Puzzles x Reader)

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Art by 'SparklyCheese' on Discord

TWs // Assault, Trauma, Implied Abuse, Implied Manipulation, Implied Smoking, Implied Slight Panic Attack

🤍⚪️ Y/N's POV:

📺 - _ Time/Arc: Puzzlevision - __, Mario The Exploro

"SMG4? Mario?" I called out as I entered SMG4's room.

But, as my E/C eyes traced the room for either the meme man or the plumber, I could see neither of them in there. So where had they gone off to?

"Strange." I murmured underneath my breath. "I could've sworn that I'd heard them in here."

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned to leave out of the open door behind me. But before I could even walk one step, there was a sudden slam, and the smell of smoke hit my nostrils.

I just about stifled back a scream as I slowly turned around, my breathing speeding up rapidly, and looked up to see a certain man with a TV for a head standing directly in front of me. Mr. Puzzles was back.

"Oh, hey there, Y/N." he greeted me with a kind smile on his screen, waving down at me with his gloved hand. "I was starting to wonder when you'd get here."

Without even a second thought, I immediately started to back away from him. But I soon felt myself crash into the wall behind me. Trying to keep myself as calm as possible, I looked for the door, and then I realised what the cause of the thud had been: it had been locked tightly shut. I couldn't escape.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. I saw SMG4 smash you into oblivion! You should be dead!" I panicked, my E/C eyes opening wide as I whipped around to face him again, looking at the unwelcome visitor and then at the wooden floor.

'This can't be happening! It's too soon!' I thought desperately. I was terrified that he was going to use me and my friends again. Turn us into nothing more than his mindless puppets. 'We were only just able to defeat him last time, and-'

"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you," he promised firmly, cutting my thoughts off as he put his hands into a surrender position.

"Yeah, right." I snapped back, doubtful of his claim.

"What are you doing here then?!" I continued, trying to swallow some of my fear the best I could and act braver than I actually felt.

"I was always going to come back for you, my dear," he replied sweetly, gently putting his hand on my shoulder.

My face paled at his actions, and the traumatising events of Puzzlevision flooded into my mind yet again. A time where I had to watch my friends be brainwashed and completely under his control before being inevitably forced to 'play' alongside them in his 'shows'. A time where he'd tricked me into thinking that everything was fine. That I was safe.

I wouldn't let that happen again. I couldn't.

"Don't touch me." I snarled out, shrugging his hand off me.

Almost instantly, his face turned into a mix of shock, sadness, and guilt.

"I- I'm sorry," he muttered, taking a singular step backwards as he looked at me, then at his hand, and back again.

Clearly, he couldn't believe how much his actions had been able to affect me. I'd once had so much trust in him, but now I have none. And it was all because of what he'd done.

"Why?!! Why are you after us again?!" I asked angrily, just wanting an explanation of what his end goal truly was. What he wanted. "To brainwash all of us again??! Just so you can get 5 stars?!!"

"Oh, no," he went to explain, shaking his head. "Ever since our last kerfuffle-"

"KERFUFFLE?!!" I yelled out, my E/C eyes flashing with exasperation as I walked away from where I had been pressed against the wall. "You almost killed all of my friends, AND YOU'RE REFERRING TO IT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING?!!"

"Woah, let me finish!" he half-pleaded in response, a bit astonished that I'd actually shouted at him just because he'd used one wrong word.

"Fine." I retaliated, lowering my volume again as I let out a sigh. Realistically, this was the only way that I was going to get a mere answer to what he was doing here. Even if he was lying through his teeth. "Just make it quick."

He nodded his head in response and said quickly, "Ever since our last kerfuffle, I've given up on the whole 'five star' ordeal and figured it'd be a lot easier to transform the SMG4 show into something unique and cool instead."

I paused for a moment; what he'd said seemed innocent enough. Yet, how could I trust it after everything?

And then something hit me. If what he'd said during Puzzlevision was true, then that was his only dream. The main one that he'd had since he was a young child. So why would he give up on it now?

Simple. He wouldn't. But what other choice did I have than to take his word for it?

820 words

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